
Finally someone with a magazine starts making sense around here! Dazed & Confused realized that everyone from grandmas to gaybies are tired of flat, uno dimensional pages that reward nothing but boring words and photos. So they decided to go full bore into 3D LAND! The issue also comes with a D&C designed pair of 3D glasses. On newwstands soon!!!

“Blood Trail” (Updated with interview and making-of)

Warning: Extreme gore and violence. Content may not be suitable for all audiences.

Nathan Love’s latest masterwork, “Blood Trail,” is a neo-renaissance for the studio, a breakthrough as they launch into game and film territory.

“Blood Trail” unfolds mysteriously. Its subtle storyline is boosted by bloody, body-ripping visuals that are fervently executed as Nathan dives into uncomfortable CG guts territory. Consequently, this animation is gorrific, ultra violent, horror-themed, over the top CG storytelling in all its glorious might.


Nathan Love graciously chatted with us about this project, sharing their process imagery and delving deep into the details. Check it out.

Posted on Motionographer

MAKE :: Palm Springs Short Fest Opener


Speaking of POV’s and interesting twists — Minneapolis’ design/animation powerhouse, Make, goes all out in almost every medium for their new Palm Springs Short Fest Program Opener.

A seemingly happy couple is doing everything in their grasp to have a moment of peace when we quickly realize that they are on set and about to be transformed into a barrage of animated likenesses.

The characters are willed by the indecisive hand of their director, who seamlessly shifts them from worlds of live-action, 3d, 2d, cel and claymation. This gets very messy for all involved, resulting in a stylistic mash-up. This piece’s flawless execution and transitions push it the next level.

Posted on Motionographer

Samsung Mini-Notebook N310

Ologramma, Claymation o 3D? A voi la dissertazione. Certamente questo è un ottimo esempio di virale. Per il lancio del nuovo Mini-Notebook N310 della Samsung , l’agenzia di marketing The Viral Factory, in collaborazione con lo studio di animazione Triffic Films, ha giocato sull’effetto (finto) ologramma creando due simpatici e turbolenti personaggi che si battono per essere al centro dell’attenzione. E stranamente, nel campo informatico, vince il personaggio femminile: che sia una strategia di marketing per vendere al gentil sesso?

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

Agency: The Viral Factory
Production Company: The Viral Factory
Animation Production Co: Triffic Films
Director: The Viral Factory
Animation Director & Compositor: Luke Robinson
Animation Producer: Tim Searle

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele

N.A.S.A.: A Volta

Vi avevamo già parlato del progetto musicale N.A.S.A. (North America / South America) del produttore/DJ americano Sam Spiegel/Squeak E. Clean insieme al dj brasiliano Ze Gonzales/Zegon in occasione del primo video.

Presentiamo ora il terzo video, “A Volta”, animato/diretto dallo studio Logan lavorando sul materiale artistico dei The Date Farmers: duo californiano composto da Carlos Ramirez e Armando Lerma: i quali per le loro opere (dipinti, sculture, collages) si ispirano all’arte indigena, ai murales/graffiti messicani, ai manifesti rivoluzionari, all’arte delle prigioni, ai tatuaggi, mischiandoli a marchi aziendali, a personaggi dei fumetti, ad animali del deserto o a materiale trovato.

Logan è uno studio che si occupa di design, della produzione e post-produzione di spot pubblicitari, video musicali e contenuto per i videogiochi.

Non perdetevi il divertente finto making of.

Brano: N.A.S.A. featuring Sizzla, Amanda Blank, & Lovefoxxx

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

Director: Logan
Animation: Logan
Original Artwork: The Date Farmers

The Making of A VOLTA: Logan / Date Farmers / NASA Project

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele

Run, Baby, Run

Shilo colpisce ancora. L’ultima produzione della compagnia Californiana accompagna alla lettera il nuovo singolo dei BrotherSister, “Still Run”, drammatica cavalcata in paesaggi sconvolti che si sussuegono e si confondono l’un l’altro. Sotto la direzione creativa di André Stringer, fondatore e direttore creativo di Shilo, è stata così creata l’identità visuale dell’album “The Wunder Tales” che declina la suggestione apocalittica anche sull’artwork di copertina e sul sito web. Il video, presentato in anteprima all’ultimo F5, mixa fotografia ed elementi 3d in una sapiente post-produzione che accentua l’aspetto “sognante” del paesaggio creato. “Dopo aver ascoltato l’album – dichiara Chris Fung di Shilo – ci siamo innanorati dei tratti poetici di questa canzone in particolare, ed abbiam deciso di metter su un video che esplorasse l’idea di perserverenza a dispetto dei cambiamenti e delle avversità. E’ lo stesso brano a suggerire una perfetta simbiosi tra un’atmosfera tesa e complessa ed un irremovibile ritmo calzante”.
Lo stesso testo, in effetti, è una dichiarazione d’intenti: I still run, I still run, I still wander. In our day, everyday, we would wander. And I want to go, were nobody moves.

Regia e Produzione: Shilo
Direzione Creativa: Andre Stringer
Responsabili Grafici: Andre Stringer, Christopher Fung
3D: Christopher Fung, Dave Hill, Joji Tsuruga, Warren Heimall
Visual FX: Warren Heimall, Tamir Sapir
Modellazione 3D: Christina Ku, Scott Denton
Animazione 2D: Stieg Retlin
Composizione: Andre Stringer, Dave Hill, Rick Malwitz, Joel Voelker, Christopher Fung, Warren Heimall, Joji Tsuruga, Kirsten Hall, Helen Kim (assistant).
Fotografie: Joel Voelker, Christopher Fung
Fondali Digitali: Andre Stringer, Christopher Fung
Miniature: Willi Patton

Articolo redatto da Didier Falzone

La Roux Bulletproof

The Holograms sono riusciti a visualizzare perfettamente lo stile elettro-pop di La Roux per il video “Bulletproof”.
La cantante si muove in un ambiente pieno di poligoni e solidi geometrici semplici, il compositing è curato in ogni particolare, e a volte si stenta a capire cosa sia stato costruito e cosa sia CG. Dalle note di produzione si legge che hanno usato una camera RED con ottiche Zeiss, Maya per il 3D, Toxic, Flame e After FX per il compositing.


Directed by : The Holograms@UFO Label
Record Label : Polydor Records, London
POST: Mathematic Studios

More info

Articolo redatto da Stefano Paron

How To Do Every Visual Effect Ever (Pretty Much)

Smashing Magazine has posted a list of Best Tutorials For Cinematic Visual Effects. The post links to 62 techniques ranging from the 007 Intro to Meteor Crashes. So this one post contains all the knowledge you would need to make a tent-pole VFX feature or start your own effects boutique. Right? Seriously, if all this information was available to me when I got started, it would have been much harder to impress people by showing them a chrome sphere on a checkerboard.

(LINK) to the full post

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Oktobor: Tiger Beer


To christen their new site, Auckland-based Oktobor has released three gorgeous spots for Tiger Beer and agency Saatchi and Saatchi Worldwide.

The spots star the architecture of London, New York and Paris as each city self-assembles from an a different material. This project was so technically challenging that I imagine it could have quickly become a soulless exercise in clone-based animation, but the lighting, rendering and palpably real texturing kept that from happening.

The general concept of self-assembling cities isn’t new (Tronic’s GE “Imagination” comes to mind), but Oktobor’s attention to detail is outstanding. The buttery smooth animation of the bricks in London mesmerizes me even on the third and fourth viewings, and I relish each and every shadow’s crispness and realism.

Posted on Motionographer

Onesize: OFFF 2009 Sponsor Titles

As festival season makes its way around the globe, we are hit with an annual slew of exceptional, experimental (no pun intended) work from some of our most talented shops and individuals.

This time around we’ve got Onesize coming strong with the Sponsor Titles for OFFF Lisbon, 2009. This ambitious, 8 minute piece walks us through a countless number of classic and unexpected 3D type experiments. I encourage you to stick around until the end!

An Eastern-Block archival video vibe sets the mood, while an impressive cameo from Onesize’s own Head of 3D (Harm van Zon) brings narrative and humor to what could have become another piece of derivative shape/type-porn.

Be sure to check out some of behind-the-scenes extras as well.

Posted on Motionographer