VFX Previz- Mech takes down

Hi all,
Before you go “arg, what a crappy short!”, I have to say this. This is not the complete thing. The purpose I did the previz is to layout the shots, get the animation flow and camera looking right. There isn’t any lighting as I used mainly maya defaul lights, the shading is still in its primary stages, effects like smoke and explosions are all preset based. Lots of things in my head that i plan to add, but will be in stages. Most of the stuff I did are in my first trial, including modeling the car. Please post comments or critique, and I will look into them!

Stuff I plan to add/change:
1) In the opening shot, I am thinking of adding a god’s ray effects to create a more dramatic sky look. I am thinking of either a gust of dust flying by or some leaves flying by or BOTH.

2)For the shots with the sky, there will be changes as some are just still shots and I really feel that without some partial movements of clouds, it really feels dead.

3)Heads up display or HUD, is my first attempt. I know it look amateurish and I am thinking of ways to polish it up. Is the amount of details on it alright or too little? I am thinking of adding some screen noise, like those tv/computer monitor effects. Comments?

4)For the smoke effects, i am thinking of changing it from a particles shader to a fluids shader to make it look more realistic. Going to experiment with that.

5) For the explosion effects, they are too little details. I planned to add some primary and secondary debris flying out. Might add a shockwave effect.

At the end of the day, I am making this for my fx-td portfolio. Instead of a plain effects here and there thing, I try to create a small small short film that I can include with some storytelling as well. Please critque this previz and I look forward to your comments!


VFX-Previz-Mech takes down from Raymond Chua on Vimeo.

For those who prefer to download a better quality(~38MB), this is the link: http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/1/…S-internet.mov

Software Used: Maya, Nuke, Photoshop and After Effects.

AE Expression Gurus

I am was asked to reverse camera data for a comp which will in turn require me to reverse the point cloud null data. I am using AE CS3 and cannot seem to think of any way to do this without expressions. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this?


(This is a theory, but would time stretching the null layer in the -100 work?)

Shilo Gets Gruesome For Scion Fable

[NEWS=”http://www.cgnews.com/wp-content/uploads/shilo_scion_thumb.jpg”]18233[/NEWS]Us Award winning production company Shilo recently joined forces with creative branding agency ATTIK, on the cinematic spot ‘Scion Fable’ for car brand Scion. This mysterious and incredibly original automotive campaign continuously pushed boundaries, from the initial work on character studies, and throughout the look and feel of the city and underground background settings. ‘Scion Fable’ is a Poe-esque tale that follows the misadventures of a bland people called ‘Sheeple’ as they fall prey to all manner of grisly fates at the hands of the rebellious ‘Deviants’.

The end result is a dark and twisted world where conformity and individuality fight to the death. The outcome is gruesome and far from pretty.


“The Scion brand, and particularly this car, is about counter-culture, customization and individuality. This spot represents ATTIK’s and Scion’s willingness to push boundaries and we are proud of our role in bringing this very original automotive campaign to life.” Shilo.

About Shilo
Shilo is an Emmy Award-winning creative production company representing a group of filmmakers led by directors Jose Gomez and Andre Stringer.

Internationally known for creating original and commissioned work that is powerful, provocative and visually extraordinary, Shilo’s deeply held passions for design-infused storytelling and innovative application of live-action, design, and animation techniques deliver breakthrough experiences for screens large and small.

ATTIK is a creative communications and branding agency owned by Dentsu, the largest brand agency in the world. Originally founded in the UK in 1986 on a grant provided by the UK’s Prince’s Trust, ATTIK has a reputation for bringing brands to life in fresh, unorthodox and often provocative ways. ATTIK joined the Dentsu family in November 2007.

Agency: ATTIK
Director: Shilo
Production Company: Shilo
Creative Director: Jose Gomez
Lead Design: Jose Gomez, Tom Green
Lead 3D Design and Animation: Cody Smith
Additional 3D modeling: Scott Denton
3D Animation: Billy Maloney, Nate Davies, Blake Guest
Character Animation: Kiel Figgins, Chris Mead, Jorma Auburn,Bren Wilson, Christopher Adams, Richard Lico, Dax Pallotta, Joe Jones
Compositors: Jose Gomez, Tom Green, Jon Wu, Marco Giampaolo
Editor: Mike Goubeaux
Producer: Jake Hibler
Executive Producer: Tracy Chandler, Santino Sladavic

Ace Hotel Palm Springs

Good news desert people! Our friends at ACE Hotel are opening a Palm Springs location on February 12, just in time for a Valentine’s Day repose. Click here for more.

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just wondering..


Video Game VFX Demo Reel Advice

I’m in the Demo Reel Creation section of my education, and have a question about VFX Demo Reels that are aimed specifically for positions in the videogame industry.

Is there anything specifically that employers in this industry desire to see in demo reels that a more general or movie/tv-oriented demo reel may not show enough of or leave out altogether.

I would really like to get involved in a company that is producing an MMO; call it my ultimate dream. However, I know that will probably not be possible right out of the gate, and whatever I can do to increase my chances to go directly into the VG industry I will do.

Thanks for your replies 😀