problem in compositing

please sujjest me how to do this:(in after effects , what effect i can use )
as soon as p
thnx for watching and sujjesting

McBess Wood [NSFW]

Superstar Illustrator McBess teamed up with Simon, their mates and the Mill to churn out this gorgeous music video for their own band, The Dead Pirates.

The characters featured are drawn in his signature style and animated flawlessly. They might remind you a bit of the Gorillaz Feel Good Inc. video, which I must say is about the best company to be in. The whole piece is visually beautiful in its reduced colour palette and soft shadows, and at the same time it tells a cool story that ties in with the music perfectly.

Editor’s note: Bits at the end of this video might be deemed not safe for work.

Posted on Motionographer



This is an animation I’ve been working on in school over the last month. Feel free to critique it, any input is greatly appreciated. The story is about Spicoli, your average pizza delivery guy, taking his next delivery to an unknown place. He has to take an elevator to floor "666"….

LCd and ctr monitors

Hi guys i have good ctr monitor that i love, but now i am getting in to sound design and i would like to have 1 more monitor but not ctr since they are big in size. If i decide to get a lcd monitor nothing big just so i can see my mix when mixing will i have any problems hawing lcd and ctr together on one video card which supports dual monitors.


I have choice between **20.1" LG (L206WTQS) and soyo citrine series wide tfl lcd 20 inch

What should i look at when it comes to lcd is response time important

Sound card and speakers?

Hi guys, i am getting in to sound design i have good pc with onboard sound card. i would like to purchase sound card and speakers for sound design. So i need some help what do you guys use i am thinking of getting. I am using Nuendo3.0 but will soon upgrade to 4

I am planing to get M audio speakers which is 100 bucks or BEHRINGER $150 or 117 i am nor sure what to get here. This is the link if you guys can check them out…mfg=all&sort=3

And sound cards.

They have pro audio section.…=pl&id=904.160

and normal sound card section.…t&cmd=pl&id=SC

Thanks guys

New Intelligent Creatures site

Intelligent Creatures has a new website with some very cool project showcases (recent ones include Watchmen and Underworld: Rise of the Lycans).

Vania Zouravliov

Fantastic illustration work by Vania Zouravliov.

CG Channel interviews Eric Durst

VFX supervisor Eric Durst discusses his background in the industry, at CG Channel.

Soy Tu Aire

This used to be a quickie, but I feel it touches on something that is important for this industry. One of the biggest talking points for many of the presenters at F5 this year was that the future of this business lies in interactivity.

With technology now opening up new arenas for motion design to be utilized, we are in the beginning steps of branching out from the television and into everyday space. Granted this piece is still built around the internet, but it is an amazing example of how much more powerful our work becomes when a viewer can actually interact with it.

The elements to play with are very simple, yet this is an incredibly engaging piece that keeps the viewer fixed for the entire song. And in a time when 15-second viral videos barely retain our attention, that’s pretty remarkable. Regardless of what you think about the aesthetics of this piece, I think it reflects the exciting prospects of where our industry is headed.

Watch “Soy Tu Aire”

Conception and Direction: HerraizSoto & Co.
Programming: badabing!
Animation: Jossie Malis

Related articles about interactivity and motion design:

Posted on Motionographer

Buck Dews it Again


Buck is back again with another installment for their Mountain Dew campaign. This one brings us through a brief history of the product as we follow a Dew man journey through time. Although the concept has become a bit used and abused, Buck dusts it off with their own personal style.

Utilizing cel animation on top of live action and 3d models for reference, Buck brought in Brooklyn based animation house Augenblick Studios to help out with the extensive cel work that needed to be done.

Here is what Orion Tait, CD at Buck NYC had to say about the process:

Footage was used as an animation guide for the main character. Augenblick studios animated the main character,
and our team did the rest (as a hybrid of 2d cel and 3d animation). For the character, we shot Thomas on a treadmill and constructed an edit. We then illustrated style-frames based on stills from that edit (which you can see up on the site).

The edit and style frames then went to Aaron and his team for cel animation. They are very traditional in their approach, which you can really see from their work on superjail. They used the footage as reference to layout key frames, and then started closing the gap with in-betweens, until they got to a fluid 30fps animation. This allowed them to nail the timing and loose look of the illustration and introduce the morphing animation, all while maintaining nice fluid, stylish animation that most rotoscoping lacks.

With every new project Buck releases, they establish themselves as the masters of the pop illustration domain as well as a studio with a knack for high quality production.

Pepsi-Cola Company
Product: Mountain Dew
Executive Producer, Mountain Dew: Barry Rosen
Director, Mountain Dew: Marisol Tamaro
Senior Manager, Mountain Dew: Brett O¹Brien
Manager, Mountain Dew: Lisa Grey

Creative Directors: Thomas Schmid, Orion Tait
Producer : Erica Hirshfeld
Assistant Producer : Kitty Dillard
Production Coordinator : Kevin Hall
Art Direction : Thomas Schmid
Cel Animation Director : Aaron Augenblick
3d Animation Director : Joshua Harvey
Technical Director : Paul America
Illustrator : Josh Cochran
Illustrator : Thomas Schmid
Cel Character Animation : Augenblick Studios
3d Animator : Joshua Harvey
3d Animator : David Soto
3d Animator Adam Pearlman
3d Animator : Morgan James
3d Animator : Jeff Su
Cel Animator : Pete McDonald
Cel Animator : Joe Mullen
Compositor : Conrad Ostwald
Compositor : Emmet Dzieza
Designer : Ben Langsfeld
Designer : Yker Moreno
Editor : Sam Goetz
Music Composer: Adam Schlesinger
Additional Music Arrangement: Jared Gustat
Actor : Thomas Schmid

Posted on Motionographer