Need Help with a Matchmove

Hey team,
Well i’ve always thought matchmoving moving looked rather easy but after 2 days of hell i take it all back!
I’m trying to track a dolly shot (with PFtrack), there’s no pan, just a dolly in along flat ground. As far as i can tell, PFtrack thinks that there is some movement along the Y axis. There shouldn’t be, and if there is, it is very minor.
i’ve uploaded a low res version of the shot. and a preview from PFtrack. Everytime i have a go with PFtrack i get different results but always the Y translation which i know isn’t there so i feel like if i can get rid of that then i should be able to sort it.
The example from PFtrack has Mushroom and a cows head in it to show how poor the track is. It’s OK (actually pretty bad) at the start with the mushroom but it get worse with cows head. My aim is place some CGI on the wooden board at the end of the shot.
It’s actually quite important that i learn how to track this shot so any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated!

Attached Files
File Type: mov Dolly_remapped- low (9.14 MB)
File Type: mov Dolly-PFtrack HELP!.mov (2.75 MB)

Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

Hey everyone!

I’m new to the board and just wanted to introduce ourselves and our film "Enigma"

Its been a project of ours for almost 5 years! Had to work it around our full time jobs! We just started playing festivals. Our Debut Fest (Dances with Films) was at the beginning of June and we ended up winning Audience Choice for best short which was a wonderful way to start the festival run. The next screenings at the moment are "Action On Film International Film Festival" end of July and "Dragon*Con International Film Festival" the first week in September.

A few quick facts…

*42 mins long
*HD (Panasonic Varicam)
*225 VFX shots
*9 day shoot

Here’s the trailer and some short clips of the movie. (I suggest hitting the HD button under the video for better playback)

Nice to meet you all, and let me know if you have any questions about the film!

-The Shumway Brothers

Enigma Trailer

Enigma Clip 1: Opening of the film

Enigma Clip 2: Wyeth’s encounter

Enigma Clip 3: Explosions rock the Genesis

Enigma Clip 4: Kyleigh vs. Eidolon

Nice to meet you all, and let me know if you have any questions about the film!

-The Shumway Brothers

FCP Plugin: nVeil – Article and Interview


I am not sure if you have heard about nVeil, which transforms your footage into a new piece of art

I published earlier an Veil overview: nVeil a Final Cut Pro & Final Cut Express plugin

and an Interview with Rich Storek the key person behind nVeil…th-rich-storek

Transformers – shape morph

hi there, like blend shapes in maya, 3dsmax has morph tool…
in addition to that it’s got plugin like GROW which is handy for shape morph..
is there any thing like that for maya so that i can use that script for my maya rig


Project Overlord 3.2 Asset/Project Management Software Available

Just wanted to let everyone know that Project Overlord version 3.2 is available. Please check it out and download a 30 day trial at

If you want an affordable alternative to Alienbrain then Project Overlord is the solution. Not only is PO affordable but it adds features not available in AB, specifically those related to project management.

There are two modes of operation. The first allows you to work locally and send and receive files to and from the server. The other option allows you to work just like you are now, adding a layer of tracking over your existing folder structures.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

Inside Reel interviews Farrar on T2

Scott Farrar “Transformers 2″ Video Interview, at The Inside Reel.



Segnaliamo il concorso internazionale “1.000 EURO PER UN MINUTO”, organizzato nell’ambito della XVII edizione del festival internazionale “Videominuto_09″.

Le iscrizioni sono aperte a tutti ed avranno come termine ultimo di scadenza il giorno 17 Luglio 2009.

Per maggiori informazioni il sito del concorso

Tronic : MTV Identity Reboot

Tronic, Zeitguised, Universal Everything and many others, deliver a fresh look and approach to MTV’s Identity Reboot. From FWAtheater: “MTV Networks International (MTVNI) is refreshing MTV with a single look and feel. The intent of the refresh is to embrace change and express what MTV means today.”


NID AND SANCY – KIDZZ (Original Dub) : Little Red Robot directed music video for Belgium electro duo Nid and Sancy for their song “Kidzz” featuring the photography of Merlin Bronques, well known for his photoblog Last Nights Party.

César Moreno

Amazing illustration work from César Moreno (via Cpluv).