VirtualVFXHub – seeks senior freelance artists

VirtualVFXHub was initially put together several years ago as a loose coalition of freelance artists based out of Vancouver, BC and has been consistently delivering shots on a variety of films and television series. After years operating behind closed doors, the need to rapidly expand our network of participating artists to accommodate larger and more exciting work has arisen, and we have decided to open our doors up to industry VFX professionals that would like the opportunity to work their own hours, their own way, wherever they happen to be. Our studio model is NOT one with a central location that requires you to be present monday to friday, 9am – 7pm. It is one that allows you to take on as much or as little work as you can handle, and earn accordingly.

If you’re used to working inside a studio environment, this is an opportunity to try out something new either full time or part time on the side. If you’re a current working VFX freelance professional, this is a chance to collaborate with others like yourself and an additional source of income moving forward.

We are now accepting applications from all talented VFX freelance artists including:

  • Generalists (experienced/senior)
  • Compositors (all levels)
  • Rotoscope Artists (experienced/senior)
  • Digital Paint Artists (experienced/senior)
  • Matte Painters (experienced/senior)
  • Animators (experienced/senior)
  • Character TDs (experienced/senior)
  • FX TDs (all levels)
  • Lighting Artists (experienced/senior)
  • Pre-visualization Artists (experienced/senior)

However, we request you please meet the following criteria before submitting an application:

  • 3+ years Television or Feature Film VFX industry experience.
  • Can work unsupervised and manage your own time and deadlines.
  • Setup and equipped to work on your own or from your own home.
  • Stable and high speed internet connection.

Maya experience is a plus but not required.

Visit to submit an online application form, and please include your written Resume in .pdf format

finalRender 3.5/SE SP1 released

cebas Visual Technology Inc., developer of industry leading visualization software, announces the release of finalRender 3.5 and 3.5 SE Service Pack 1 (SP1), now ready for download at

finalRender™ 3.5 and 3.5 SE are the latest generation rendering systems for 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design, offering users unparalleled power, functionality and rendering speed. In its latest incarnation, finalRender 3.5 SE SP1 is the perfect choice for bigger production houses and advanced users seeking the maximum in quality and flexibility, while finalRender 3.5 SP1 is targeted to the mainstream user.

What’s New in finalRender 3.5 and 3.5 SE SP1
This new SP1 improves overall program stability and enhances workflow as well as network rendering behavior. Continuous beta testing and user feedback have made this release possible and ensures that it will perform better than previous releases of finalRender.

Specific fixes that have been made include:
• Harmonics GI: network rendering isolated and solved, massive speed improvements for blend or mix materials, lots of fine tuning and enhancements.
• thinkingParticles instances and opacities: issues isolated and solved.
• "Frame Finished" hang issue tracked down and fixed.
• finalRender Scanline core renderer: enhanced, tolerating better defective meshes.
• 2Sided material: issues with Harmonics-GI isolated and fixed.
• fR-Layer material: issue isolated and fixed.
• Light Sources/Rectangular Light: issues and random artifacting isolated and fixed.
• fR-Light material: possible issue when using multi-sub materials isolated and fixed, considerable speed improvements achieved.
• Alpha Channel: improvements made.
• fR-Proxy objects: rendering and other issues isolated and fixed.
• fR-Architecture material: problems when using "visible area lights cause no highlights" isolated and fixed.
• Anaglyph Stereo: rendering output enhanced.
• Stereo Camera: only left/right not working when MAX Common "save file" unchecked has been fixed.

How to Get this Service Pack
finalRender 3.5 & 3.5 SE SP1 are offered as a free download to all registered customers. Current users of finalRender 3.5 and 3.5 SE should log in to and obtain the latest SP1 from their "View Product Registrations" account menu. Registered users will automatically see all available download options.

If customers are not currently registered on, or do not see their SP1 download, they may contact us through the contact menu located on the cebas home page and supply their relevant data (serial numbers).

Receive your own full copy right now — download it directly from our online store.

Supported Platforms: 3ds Max and Max Design 2008-2011, 32-bit and 64-bit.

To learn more about finalRender 3.5 and finalRender 3.5 SE, please visit their respective product pages.

Mystique from x-man


I was wondering how the teleportation of x-man mystique was made..
the green screen shooting and integrating the right angle with the final footage – (maybe 3d environment in nuke with 3d camera track?)..
Not the actual effect i mean that should be simply compositing.. but whats puzzling me is the shooting tehcniques and making everything into one scene. I have never made anything like this before but i wanna take the challenge and make a fight scene about 20-30 sec long.

Any suggestions.. maybe where i can look for

Fusion 5.1 white screen in loader with avi HD

Does anyone know why when i output a clip in adobe premiere HD AVI lagarith lossless codec.

In fusion add a loader, import that clip into the loader … and when i add the loading to the viewing screen my viewing screen goes white?

There are some clips which work while others stay white? I thought it might be an error with the codec however these play fine in adobe preimere and also windows media player… is it that fusion can read this codec well??

[.lnk] How to in windows?

Hi everyone,

I can’t find answers for my question, I have a folder shortcut in windows.
I would like to read an image into this shorcut from nuke, but it read the shortcut "RENDER3D.lnk", instead of "RENDER3D"…
Is it possible for Nuke to read a windows shortcut correctly?

Thx a lot,

Have a nice day

need help with my twixtor plugin pls

HELP!!!! See the video below…

I just don’t understand why this weird stuttery effect on that’s guy’s jacket happen, and if u notice, the hands’ movement are also abit jerky… I tried deinterlacing the avchd already using fieldskit deinterlacer, set to 1frame per frame to no avail… HELP PLEASE!!! Please give me a step-by-step as to how i can do it…

custom button == true ? expression : valule

Hello everyone,

I am trying to setup a random function that will activate if a button is checked, if the button is not checked, I want it to use whatever value the slider is currently set at.

The problem I’m running into is that once I plug an expression in, the slider is then setup to keyframe and if I decide to turn the randomness off, I could have tons of unnecessary keyframes.

I have a switch node setup with 10 inputs and am trying to randomize the output.

Any advice?

Thank you.


randomSelection==true?floor(random(1,10,frame)*10) ):which

Senior compositor @ Duckling, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Duckling are currently looking for an nuke compositor to take the role as 2d lead.
We’re mostly into commercials, check website for more info

interested? contact for more info

Keith Schofield

Keith Schofield video for Cut Copy.

Best book that teaches someone how to matchmove

:confused: I know how to use Maya and After Effects