VFX 403 [WIP] – tomfrew

This is my first challenge so i’m excited.

I think i’m going to go with a concert feel. With the crowd cheering in anticipation of the rock star appearing on stage.

I’m thinking a bit of suspense and may some slowmotion cheering.

I’ll hopefully post some tests in a bit.


VFX 403 – Cib

Place holder, I hope to find time to give this a shot. Downloaded both peaces of footage this evening, played around with them a bit. It was pretty easy to work with, I tried several ways of creating variation so the people and actions were not so repetitive. Other than chaining the star frame on the different clips to create variations in action I tried some color correction to vary up the colors a bit as well.

I am now trying to decide what kind of scene this footage fits in best.

VFX 403 [WIP] – RichardB

Hello everyone!

Very much looking forward to doing this one – I love these sorts of challenges and have always wanted to join in.

I have a few ideas but I’ll wait for the footage to finish d/l’ing before I commit myself!



VFX 403-samzen

Here’s my placeholder for the challege.
My concept is gng to be to create an ancient greek stadia…
Eagerly awaiting to get strtd…


I’m in just curious when we are able to download the clips?

VFX403 [WIP] – mhafeez_13666

And you thought I am gonna Compete with high techs here? Naaaah :-). Someone has to come last :p

Though I am not from the VFX industry, I would like to participate and learn something with your expert help and advice.

My idea is to make something like the Harry Potter movie – Goblet of Fire. The starting scene showing the Quidditch World cup. :). The stadium structure was cylindrical in the movie but I plan to make it a Spherical stadium with people all over :). (I already see negative points for inspiration !!)

Will use AE, Nuke and Maya – Beginners knowledge.

Long live vfxtalk gurus.

Any thoughts will be appreciated now and later.

VFX403 [WIP] – mttjss

My first entry to a VFX challenge….wish me luck! :thumbsup:

Matt –

VFX403 Crowd [WIP] – Kameleon

I’m in!!! 😀

VFX Challenge Team vs Individual

After seeing some other sites challenges and how they are organized I’m curious as to the way in which those here are done. I’m referring specifically to teams and individuals. Other sites split challenges up between the two, while here they are combined. Is there a specific motivation for this (i.e. to promote more community activity where people who don’t personally know each other team up) or is it just the way it has always been done?

My post is in no way intended to question the work of those teams who have taken part in the challenges, but more so to understand how the time allotted/invested (manpower) between the two (team vs. individual) is balanced out.

VFX 402 Underland

Hello there, I know I am late for the competition, but wanted to still post what I have tried, any opinion would be appreciated.
This is the first part of the shot.
Tried a new technique that allows to turn 2D greenscreen sequence into a “pseudo 3D” one, where even shadows and light behave realistically.