50 misc Nuke Vids

Hi all,

let me introduce my YouTube channel: 50 videos in ten playlists introducing compositing with Nuke.

I made them for the Compositing course that I run at School of Art Design and Media (ADM), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore


Subjects covered:
– General
– Color
– Transform
– Mattes
– Tracking
– Timing

Udnerstand Shuffle, copy and Shuffle copy

Please im very confusing about channels management and i have some doubts about this process. First i would like to understand what happen in the process of COPY channel copy node, with this node does i copy a channel of a node A and ADD in the channel of Node B or simply there is a replace of channe A´s channel for B´s channels? I posted a file where i copied the green channel of A to Blue Channel of B, but the image B´s color changed to blue; this i dont understood, if i am compying the channel of A to B why do the image A changed? When does i use shuffle to swap channels i am change just the numbers of luminanci that channel? For example 8bit that have 256 colors in each channel. Or simply the value that input how red outpu how green? And what happen in the shuffle copy, Does the values that enter in a channel are diverted to other channel? Would i like to now in a detailed techinal language what happen in these nodes.

Thank you

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Moon.jpeg
Views:	N/A
Size:	11.3 KB
ID:	10636

Click image for larger version

Name:	Fireworks.jpeg
Views:	N/A
Size:	32.1 KB
ID:	10637

Attached Files
File Type: nk copy.nk (2.0 KB)
File Type: nk shufflecopy.nk (2.0 KB)

Create layers tiffs or PSDs in Nuke?

Is it possible to write out layered files in Nuke?

Really need help for FBX and crowd replication

Hi guys,
I just move from fusion to Nuke, actually I have to do some crowd replication. In fusion I ve use particle system to do such thing in the 3D environment, I can’t find these tools in Nuke, how can I do some crowd replication, pretty lost.
Another thing is FBX import, in fusion you have the possibility to add different texture for different part of the FBX, but when I import in nuke, it come like a single object, and I can only attach a single node texture to it. did I do something wrong while importing, can’t nuke import the object in hierarchy mode instead of combining in a single object? very very lost.
Thanx for your answer guys.

Nuke tutorials

Check out nuke tutorials here- http://vfxrules.com/word/?page_id=535

replies are invited


I need to apply a reflection on a car window. Would anybody know if I should use I distort, displacement or a morph node? I have tried different things but nothing has worked so far.



I distort or displacement

I need to apply a reflection on a car window. Shall I use I distort, displacement or a morph node and whatever the node, could you walk me through the script. I have tried different things but nothing has worked so far.

Thank you,


Tracking rotation

I am a new Nuke user. I need to track a new sky to my plate. I applied to my mask a 1 pt track in translation another one in rotation. My translate data is working fine however my rotation is not working at all.
Does anybody have any idea….


Fbx in nuke issues


I am not quite much into 3d pplications like maya or max. basically i work mostly on compositing apps like fusion,nuke or shake. I am bringing fbx file 3d model mesh in nuke and I am not able get proper texture for the different portions of the mesh, say for the doors, walls etc for a house as in the 3d apps.
If I use the proj uv node it cant help in projecting the texters of windows or doors along the wall. Also if there is 180 /60 degree cam animation in the shot, problem deepens.
Any suggetions how can do the compositing using 3d model in nuke or maya itself, later adding 2d obejcts in nuke or fusion.
Thanks in advance

Learning Nuke and Keying in Nuke, any tips on this shot?

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to get into Nuke more, as I used After Effects for most of my Keying and Roto and have taken classes on nuke from fxphd but trying to do some work on my own stuff as I go through the classes.

i am going throw the keying class in the First nuke class but cant seem to get a nice key for this shot. I know I could just use roto but I wanna see if I can key it first.

The main probably is the edges are very rough when I key, just looking for some suggestions on ways to tackle this in Nuke, Still getting used to the Node based layout .