Simple shadows

I feel stupid for having to ask but how do I get a perfect alpha from this image here inside nuke?

I tried premult under the beauty image but I get white outlines. I thought I had the alpha right until I cranked up the gamma on shadows and its going through the wing, since no alpha.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	shadows.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	79.9 KB
ID:	11148

How to composite a luminance depth pass

Hey people! I’m a new member so go easy on me! Hahahah!

I have a question that’s been vexing me for over a month now that I can’t seem to get help on. A quick 30 minute search through the forum here with no luck.

Now for the question: I may be wrong to believe this, but my impression was that the lum depth pass is used to make objects closer up appear to "pop out" or look more detailed/apparent than objects further away.

I found many tutorials for this BUT it’s always a tutorial that explains how to use lum depth to create DOF. For me though, using this workflow is a bit redundant because I already have an animated DOF pass that moves around and changes focus intensity in the scene. To have a lum depth create a DOF over my DOF seems unnecessary to me.

So I’m not looking for a DOF-based workflow response, but rather a method that makes the objects in front "pop out" and the objects further back "sink back" into the back of the scene. I may be mistaken on how lum depth is supposed to affect an image, if so please could someone shed some light on the topic of luminance depth composition?

Exclude keyframe

Is there some way of i delete a keyframe of a mask without entering in the curve editor? For example, in the flame we have the delete key, that dele the all key of that frame…Is there something like flame?

Working with Redcolor & Redgamma

Hey Guys,

What is the suggested work-flow for working with the new RED color spaces in Nuke?

When these files are sent to me i get lost as i dont know what to set in the read node to properly linearize and interpret them.

Also when set to sRGB or Rec 709 i loose the look that was seen in Redcine X or any software capable of understanding these color spaces.


odd_FillLight v0.4 – tonemapping Nuke 6.x gizmo

Hello everybody.

odd_FillLight is a High Dynimc Range and Low Dynamic Range tonemapping tool for Nuke v6.x.

If you find this useful please drop a comment here or on my blog

Download from here

nuke write fbx to 3ds max

here are some tips and questions of Nuke writes Geo *.fbx for 3ds contains camera and Geo animation , but cause different axises of them. you need to set something in Nuke before exporting:
set all 3D scene things’ (objs , cameras…etc) Transform Order to "TRS" and Rotation Order to "XYZ" . then u will not see flipped camera in you 3ds max..

here is the question, need help::confused:
in Nuke i set the camera focus length 11mm, but i should set the focus length to 16mm in 3ds Max then i can get the same view.. how? what i missed? film plate size?? the Nuke project setting is 768×576, and max’s render setting is the same..thanks for your:) helping.

translate, rotate and scale tracking with matchmove of a mask

Why, when do i tracking a mask through matchmoving process i have to desativate the translate/ rotate and Scale of my mask.
I did a track of a mask and the tracking just functioned in none. Next, i perceived that when i turn off the translate/rotate and scale and turn on matchmoving my mask functioned too…I didn´t understand this thing…why do i had that turn off a important parameter to my mask work in matchmoving??
I injected the mask in the tracker. I didn´t use the hold shift anda tranfer parameters.


Nuke won’t render or view, inconsistently – exr channels to blame?

Heyo. Been learning Nuke recently as part of a school project, and have produced a rather enormous node-tree which, up till recently, worked just swell. But, after adding a few new elements, and some other frames, Nuke’s started to act up strangely. I’m using a whole bunch of .exr sequences with loads and loads of fun little channels tucked into them, and I’m using NukeX 6.1v1.

Being hardly adept at Nuke’s inner workings, I’ve little to no clue what might be doing it. I get an error message in that… little accompanying Nuke-cmd-ish-window, saying stuff like:

[ 1:02:03] Warning: ShuffleCopy4: get(channels=0x10), but request(channels=0x10)
[ 1:02:03] Warning: Read76: Interest(channels=0x0), but request(channels=0x0)

So I get the feeling Nuke’s upset over my .exr channels, but can’t figure out just why. Worked fine when I set it all up – I’ve switched the files the Read nodes originally read, having rendered out new ones – but it’s still the same channels, and still the same errors when I reimport the sequences with new Read nodes.

A more wordy error report now follows:

For one thing, Nuke won’t View some nodes in my nodetree. Sometimes, I can view the end result, no problem – more often, I have to restart Nuke to get it to at all View another frame. Often, it seems that the only nodes I can view are Read nodes, and if I follow those nodes down the tree, I can view my way down to the bottom result – but if I try to view the bottom result at first, it won’t preview it. I attach the node to a viewer, that white scanline-thingie appears, but nothing happens. Sometimes I can view a certain node successfully, but when I press play, it won’t show the next frame.

So it won’t View consistently; it’s much the same with rendering Write nodes. Sometimes, I can attach a Write node somewhere in the middle of the tree, and write out successfully; but attaching it to one of the nodes farther up in the flow – that is, one of the nodes that contributed to the earlier, successful node – that won’t render.

As a side note, curiously, Nuke seems to’ve decided that a few select channels in one of my .exr-sequences are to be black. At least in this node-tree – opening up a new Nuke and importing in the sequence there fresh, shows the channels in all their colourful glory. How this ties in to them error messages before, I can but imagine.

Aaanyway. So, I’m hoping some clever, well-read fellow will find this in the next few hours and solve all my problems; until then, I’ll simply redo my Nuke script, with frequent test-renders to notice if things go wrong.

Scanline Render: std::bad_alloc

Hi Guyz,

I made a quick research on the forum and i don’t find a answer.
I’ve some trouble with a script. Sometimes when i link my viewer at the end of my tree. Nuke makes me an error :

ScanlineRender: std::bad_alloc

it happens when i’ve a lot of calculations. Perharps, it’s a noobish error 😉

Thx a lot

Read node – file paths

Hi all,

We currently are working on a Vfx project where different Compositers are working on different OS systems.

The problem we are facing right now is related with the filepaths of our Read nodes when these .nk file are swapped.

as example:

While working on mac, the file path structure is like this:


While on Windows its like this:

X:\Projectname\Source\R&D\scan_01\Scantest01_0001. exr



Its pretty anoying that you have to change the slashes, drive letters or paths.

Is there anyone that made a little script that checks the OS, map structure etc. (Auto search?)
Would this be hard to make?

Also it would be awesome if there is a little script that checks a pre defined Path structure like:


