Camera Projection Setup from Maya to Nuke

Hi all,

I built geometry based on an Image in Maya and transferred the geometry and the camera I used for reference in maya via FBX into Nuke. I use Maya 2011 for this. Everything worked fine in the past with version 2009. But now the camera data seems to get imported wrong as the projection setup looks very funny. The geometry comes in fine but the camera data is completely wrong. Is there anything to know with that workflow in Maya 2011?


Best, Michael

Correlate: Use Ocula problem


Am using Nuke 6.1 with pluing Ocula 2.1. I am trying to get the roto to be generated from my right footage to the left footage. Following error is found

1) First of all, when we right-click on the Bezier and select "Correlate" the "Use Ocula?" check out is dim, i.e., couldnt able to ‘check it’ this option
2) When correlate option is executed, it just executes for that particular frame. Meaning, the roto is generated and shifted using the Disparity vectors only for that particular frame. But for the next consecutive frames the roto continues to animate but it snaps back to the original values. Does it mean that for every frame we need to execute Correlate separately again and again.


Glass Shader in Nuke


is it possible to create a glass Shader within Nuke? I want to create scene where a lot of glasses are visible and I don’t want to put them in at the set, because that would a bit complicated. It would be helpful to render the glasses out of Nuke because I don’t want go back to Maya and do a rerender all the time if something doesn’t look right. I’d bring the glass geometry I created in Maya through a Read Geo Node and apply the Shader and do everything out of Nuke.


Best, Michael

How to mix stereo footage and CGI in Nuke?


I’ve already work on stereo footages or full CGI stereo in Nuke… But i’ve never mixed the two… So what’s the way to do that?

I’ve left and right eye footages and i need to add in the foreground (so no need of rotoscopy) some objects from Nuke (PSD files…).
I’ve the camera rig from 3DSMax (so the same 3D space)

How to have the footage visible? Does i need to project them on cards?

Thank you for your help

Track Center Append?

How do I continue a track using another point in a shot but keep tracking along the original track?

Nuke 6x


organize node tree

Hi anybody here have a good way to organize your script. Im most interested in the 3d system since alot of cards etc links to a scene. Especially if you use he look function connected to the camera.

6.2 Flipbook behaviour


is it possible in 6.2 to flipbook a write-node (with already rendered frames) without Nuke to render it again?? Or flipbook a read-node so that Framecycler reads the image-sequence and Nuke doesn’t prerender it?
I just installed 6.2 yesterday, but didn’t see any flipbook-advantages by now… but maybe i just don’t get it.


F13-F15 keys on mac

i am using mac pro keyboard with F1 – F19 keys that used for shortcuts
on windows all works perfect:thumbsup:
on mac i able to use only F1 – F13 (F13 – F19 are dead:darth:)
(tried to find solution on Net but found nothing)

path to document question

Hallo all.
I added to my nuke menu shortcuts to access sertain files (my notes.doc, art and since of compositing.pdf etc) they are in my user folder so i have them wherever i go. it works good on windows, but in places with mac shortcuts do not work. (i am windows user).
please help me to find mistake in my code


q.addCommand("Python/Python_Nuke_help", "TopDir = os.path.dirname(nuke.env[‘ExecutablePath’]) + ‘/’;\n\
if nuke.env[‘MACOS’]:\n\
TopDir = os.path.abspath(TopDir + ‘../../../’) + ‘../’\n\
nuke.tcl(‘start {‘ + TopDir + ‘plugins/user/user/my_documentation/NukePythonHelp.pdf}’)")


Stereo Camera Rig.. for Nuke..

Ive been looking around for a proper stereo camera rig. looked around nukepedia and checked what was there…

been using the stereo camera modifier for 3dsmax provided by autodesk, found here.. and the good thing about this rig is that it uses this concept "Asymmetric camera frustrum" to skew the camera image plane to align the two parallel cameras together…

see video "Comfortable Stereoscopy | Practical Example"

the thing i like about this rig is thats its so easy to use and has amazing control.

What i wish to know is this…

a) Can the image plane in camera be "skewed" on X axis to compensate for the overlap on a parallel camera rig.

b) noob question… what is the syntax to insert some python code to take two X position values from two axis and add them together and use it to transform another axis…(i can get the math… just need the syntax on how to do it…)..

any help in this regard would be most appreciated.. and pls excuse my inability to express myself.. pls ask if u do not understand my question..

thankx in advance