link transforms with gridwarp cvs

hi i am working on a shot in which i need to attach transforms to gridwarp cvs. it all works well, the problem is that nuke seems to ignore the interpolation method of the keyframes in the transform nodes. it basically only interpolates linearly but that is very bad because i need the interpolation to be exactly like in the transform node. is there a workaround or is this a bug already filed?

i’m working on a beta (5.1v3b2) and cant change the version at the moment…

greets and thanks in advance!


fbx help

I’m trying to import some fbx data into nuke.
When the 3D guys open the fbx in maya, everything lines up (cameras and objects), but when i load in the fbx into the camera and readgeo node in Nuke, the camera is too far back.
Needless to say i’m pretty new at this, but can someone walk me through the steps?
I’ve tried the things in the manual, but that leads to the camera not being in the right position.

Also, does nuke measure hapature and vapature differently to maya? (mm vs. inches?)
Thanks so much for the help.


Need some clarification

Hi guys im new to scipting in nuke…. i just creat a GIZMO called (edgededect) for testing and save it n ma Nukesettings dir…. How i tell to nuke ma gizmo is there… how i mention the path in… Here is ma…

nuke.addFormat("1024 778 MY_proxy")

nuke.knobDefault("Bezier.output", "alpha")
nuke.knobDefault("Bezier.premult", "rgb")
nuke.knobDefault("Root.format", "2K_Super_35(full-ap)")
nuke.knobDefault("Root.proxy_type", "format")
nuke.knobDefault("Root.proxy_format", "MY_proxy")
nuke.knobDefault("EdgeBlur.size", "1")
nuke.knobDefault("Log2Lin.gamma", "1.8")

# ADDING CUSTOM MENU"Nodes").addMenu("Custom", icon="/usr/local/Nuke5.0v2/NukeSettings/home.png")

def Autocard ():
nuke.nodes.TransformGeo()"Nodes").addCommand("Custom/Autocard", "Autocard()", icon="Card.png")

def IBKkeyer ():
nuke.nodes.IBKGizmoV3()"Nodes").addCommand("Custom/IBKkeyer", "IBKkeyer()", icon="/usr/local/Nuke5.0v2/NukeSettings/IBK.png")

????????????????????????????????????????????"Nodes").addCommand("Custom/edgededect", "edgededect()", icon="/usr/local/Nuke5.0v2/

help me out pls…..

broadcastin problem

i got problem while i render my files in resolution 720*405 for broadcast….i kept aspect ratio 16:9 widescreen …in tga format..
bt when it comes in FCP 4 editing it shows black line in broadcast monitor…wt should b d problem??? help plz

gizmo with mask input


does anyone know if it is possible to have a maskinput on a gizmo in the same way than nukes standard nodes have (the one on the side of a node)?

thx for help

How to Think like a Python Programmer

Hey all, busy studying this resource, Just thought i would share it with everyone. Im enjoying it! Hope it helps a little with coding in the wonder that is Nuke!

colorramp node for Color Temperature

how to build a color ramp node in Nuke which has controls for color temperature

Stabilizing issues…

Hello VFXtalk Community,

I’m having a bit of trouble properly stabilizing a steadycam shot:

The shot contains a closed bathroom door filmed from the outside, with only the door itself in the picture as well as a huge lamp next to the door.

Now, I had to speed up the middle part of this sequence to shorten it a bit (I needed to
"take out" 592 frames without anyone noticing; if there’s a better solution to this – I’ve
tried some, but they didn’t really work out well – please let me know 🙂

What I intend to do now is to absolutely stabilize this shot, then filtering the tracking
data in the curve editor to simply give back some subtle shakiness.

I’m a novice to Nuke (but love it already 😉 so please excuse if my following problem is
too trivial..

Well, I got three points within the image which are suited for tracking; the doorknob on
the left, and two lamp features on the right. When I track all these and hit "stabilize",
the image tends to "morph" in order to stay in one fixed place. I guess that’s because of
the subtle perspective change due to the original shake, so it makes sense. But this knowledge doesn’t help me at all 😮
Using just one tracking point doesn’t help either due to the source’s rotation.

Could someone please give me a hint where my thinking lacks? Any help would be appreciated 🙂

Thanks a bunch in advance!

gamma exr

Hi everybody! I’m new in VFXtalk and new in comping too.

I was reading many of the post talking about gamma and exr files, and I got a doubt:

Somebody says that rendering in 2.2 gamma in exr files is bad bad bad. Some replies later, somebody else says that, If you don’t get the desired result you can put a grade and that’s all. (that was I was doing, till now)

Is it incorrect? Is it affecting the final result?

I didn’t try it yet, but I think I would reach the same result (moreless) without rendering in gamma and play with the shadows and occlusion pass… …
Would it be better?

Thank to all help.

Kyo, Where are you ?

Hi, Kyo
I hope that you’re fine. Where are you? there is no any tutorials or any comments of nuke from you, we are waiting for your nice tutorials as soon.