how to disable a set of nodes?

Hello everybody and sorry for my english,

I’m new in nuke and I want to disable a set of nodes given by name into the nuke scene (i.e. disable VectorBlur nodes to accelerate calculations)
Is there any way of selecting nodes with a given name using python scripting (like when pressing "/" button) ?
Another question: how can I set in Python the disable property of a given node from its node name?

Thank you so much.

multiple mask shapes in single bezier node

Hi all,

I’m working as a rotoscope artist and making the transition from shake to Nuke at this moment.

Was wondering if multiple mask shapes can be created in a single bezier node like in shake, where a single rotoshape contains multiple masks.

And to sidetrack a bit. how do you actually link tracking data to shapes.I’m been through the forum, do you actually link the tracker translate data to the bezier translate data..or do you actually linked the tracker anchor pt data to the bezier translate data..

thanks for the help.


Nuke + 3rd party python module

I am playing with doing some python in Nuke, and I want to use the 3rd party pywin32 module. Anybody get this to work and know what I need to do?

I’m making a script to take position data from a tracker, and copy it to the clipboard as After Effects 6.5 data so I can use it conveniently with another program. (Specifically, particle illusion.) I have the basic functionality of the script working as far as having it just print the data to teh console, and I manually select and copy it myself. But, as I understand it, to stick it directly onto the Windows clipboard, I’ll need to use the win32 module. I tried just downloading the pywin32 installer exe and running it while hoping for the best. But, it seems to have only installed for my stand-alone python, but python in Nuke doesn’t see it. I tried manually sticking stuff into the "site packages" folder, but that didn’t do the trick.

So, do you know how to get text onto the clipboard, or how to install a python module properly so nuke will see it? And, if anybody wants the script, I’ll post it as soon as I can make it work properly.

Curve based time remapper? (like in Shake)

Hey guys,

I was just wondering if there is a curve based time remapper like the one inside of Shake’s file in node……. I have some high speed footage where i need the speed to ramp way up to normal speed then go back to super slo mo at specific frames. I haven’t had much luck with retime since it just gives you control of the speed. Is there something I overlooked? I just did a temp version in shake for now, but i’d love to keep in all in nuke so if i need to do some changes i wont need to re render out of shake over and over again. Any help would be appreciated.


alignment in sticky notes


is it possible to set the alignment of nuke 5.1 stickynotes to left (like in version 4.8) per default and not centered? ok, i could format my text via html but left alignment is the one i need at most.


ROI controls in numbers

"Region of interest " controls r very handy… but i want to type the value exactly what i want … like shake DOD parameters controls…. its saves lot of time instead of using crop node for all wipes…. at least its should work like film gate(1.77,2.4)…. is it possible in nuke 5…


Reformatting proxies?

Forgive me, i am a noob at nuke, but ive worked through the manual and followed online tutorials and i still am not grasping how proxies are supposed to work in nuke.

Proxies in an editor make sense, you take a downrez’d version of your source file to edit with, and then re-link to your original files upon picturelock. But with nukes proxy system, it doesnt downrez it, it reformats it, so after you’ve created your masks for your half-sized proxy images (if half size is what you chose to be your proxy size), when you disable your proxy in project settings, the image now becomes twice the proxy size, yet your masks stay the same. Come again? After effects treats proxies just like an editor does, but creating a lower quality version, so all you have to do is disable it and everything is 100% as it should be.

Whats even more confusing is the use of reformat nodes. So forsay ive set my project’s proxy at half size, when i read in an image sequence i still must reformat it. I set what its original size and its proxy size is, and then in my reformat node i set what i want it to be. Great, but how is nuke supposed to know what the new proxy size is if there is no proxy size option in the reformat node? Does it guess based of the proxy ratio of the read node?

Yeah, im pretty lost here.

Min Pixel Value Math in Nuke

So I want to analyze an entire image to find the minimum energy of all the pixels in an image. I am aware you can use the CurveTool node and the MaxLuma operation to do this, however this is not a dynamic or per frame relationship. It is something that needs baking each time the source image changes. Normally this would be fine, but I would like something that updates without re-baking.

In Shake there is a node called Stat which finds the min, max or average energy of an image and is processed each frame, ie no pre-baking. One can use this to return a given value and utilize it for flashing, or dynamically matching black levels.

So my question is this. Does anyone know the image analysis math to process an entire image for the minimum (or max) pixel value? I imagine it involves scanning each x and y row of pixels and comparing them to return the lowest/highest/average value.

Hope that explains what I need. Now hit me math dorks.

Help me out for beginner ..

hello friends…
First of all i would like to tel my self… i am working as editor…
plan to learn NUKE.. so i started collecting information about nuke…

1) what is gizmo in nuke?

2) before that i used work with only layer based sw like after effetcs and combustion. what are the difficulty to change layer platform to NUKE?

mask blurring question

Hi, ive got an issue when blurring a mask with a blur node. Adding blur through the mask node doesnt seem to look right to me, so i usually throw a blur node after a bezier node. If my mask goes off screen though the blur will blur in from off screen based on the frame size and not the size of the bezier. Is there an easy workaround for this?