Coloring Mattes

Just throwin’ this question out there. Its not too important, more of a convenience than anything else…

I’m just curious if Nuke has an option to color a mask or matte with a specific color, so you can tell different mattes apart when you turn off your overlays.

Or should I just stop being lazy and just combine a constant color into a matte?

Oh, and I just thought of this while typing…

If I want to recreate a breakdown from a shot, and I wanted to do a quick pass to show the alpha channel of a greenscreen comp, how can I get a shot of just the black and white matte? I’ve tried selecting alpha, and rendering out in alpha, but instead i’ll get a red coloring, or other weird colors. How do you guys usually do breakdowns like this using nuke?

Nuke 5.1v4 released

Nuke 5.1v4 Released

Nuke 5.1v4

Release Date
3 April 2009

Supported Operating Systems
• Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” (32-bit only)
• Windows XP SP2, XP64
• Linux CentOS 4.5 (32- and 64-bit)

New Features
There are no new features in this release.

Feature Enhancements
• Added documentation for the Text node. See Creating Text Overlays on page 264 of the
User Guide.

Bug Fixes
• Read/Write nodes: the QuickTime reader/writer introduced gamma and transform shifts and
differences on Windows and Mac OS X. In older versions of Nuke, QuickTime movies were
written out too dark, and the darkness differed between Mac OS X and Windows. Now,
QuickTime movies should appear with the correct gamma on each platform (which is different
on Mac OS X and Windows), so that when you view them in QuickTime Player or Final Cut
Pro, they will look correct.


Full Release Notes PDF

The Foundry Website

Nuke Product Website

Unfold image from Pan and Tile

Hmmm this has been boggling me all day…
I’ve got a pan and tile setup (see link)

One of the artists here wants to do some Photoshop work on it but there are like 20 images which is a pain for them to edit invividually… so is there a way to "Unfold" the pan and tile setup and save it as one image, that I will then be able to map onto something else later?

Thanks 🙂

How to set the default input in a disabled node group?

Hi, I’m new in Nuke.

I’m creating a group node with two inputs. The problem comes when the node is disabled because I don’t know how to set the input taken as default (like B input for the other disabled nodes). Does anybody know how to do this?

Thank you very much!

Nuke expression to find center of format size

Hi all,

I’m currently working on a gizmo that includes a GodRays node. What i want to do is have it so that the "center" parameter in my GodRays node is always in the middle of whatever footage you have piped into it.

So i was hoping there is some form of expression that can find the vertical and horizontal size of the source and then divide them by 2 to find the center automatically.

thanks in advance

Multiply node gives a slightly darker result.

Hi, Nuke’s multiply node seems to give me a slightly darker result.
Anyone knows why?

What i have are 3 original targa images; A, B and C.
C will be a resultant of B multiplied by A.

In Nuke, when I multiply B by A, the result is slightly different from C as in its a bit darker.

So i use after effect to double check by doing the same thing and I got the result i expected. o_O"

ps: posted this in another forum

How to add DCRaw to my “Path” for Nuke OS X

I have successfully installed dcraw via terminal in OS X
Now after attempting to place in a read node, Nuke is telling to me to make sure that my dcraw install is "In my Path"

1. What does that mean?
2. How do I do that?
3. Once this is solved are there any tips on how to implement dcraw to it full functionality via nuke or is that automatically taken care of by Nuke.

I have run a "man" command in terminal and it came up, but I wasn’t able to glean the info I needed to solve this

Red footage EDL to Nuke Challenge

Here’s my scenario

I have a music video that is RED footage and was:

1. Edited in CS4 Premiere
2. Sent to After Effects – (this may not factor in to my challenge – I just want to get out of AE and Premiere land)
3. From here I can export a single Image sequence of my choice – Simple so far…

Ok, now I’d like to take the EDL from Premiere into Nuke and have Nuke split out separate read nodes for each shot and throw those into a switcher downline to the Write node for final output.

ONE Caveat though. I have all green and blue screeners that are layered in after effects. The plot thickens! ie: each band member is separately shot and comped in After Effects … So do I really need to look at an alternate export method from After Effects in conjunction with the simple timeline EDL from premiere (I do have the option of doing a preliminary layed comp in Premiere if need be to output an EDL with layerd information)


Do I have After effects write out separate image sequences to self contained folders and then import those in to Nuke and do this the old school way? Is there a completely different pipeline without buying more software.

Shake has an EDL to Shake python script. I just want to do this in NUKE


Will Nuke 5.2 be the savior to my RED issues? I may be able to take the Premiere layered comp EDL right into Nuke and get to work with RED native – : )

DPX file name Timecode Problems.

Hello everyone. I am doing comps where there is media as DPX_NAME.10029.dpx through DPX_NAME.14029.dpx and stuff that is DPX_NAME.TIMECODE.DPX.

Nuke wants to only put those clips on the timeline at the DPX sequences timecode? How can I push these clips so even though their fame number or timecode is a certain sequence say 15000-150100. They are at my timelines frame 1-100?? If I change the "frame range" on the read node, to say 1 – 100 it says the frames aren’t there, because it thinks the clip wants to start on frame 15000.

How do I do this?? In SHAKE we had an in and out range, even if the frame number or timecode didn’t correlate to that..


Preventing Nuke from automatically creating new scripts

I’m sure this is easily resolved. I want to prevent Nuke from automatically creating a new
empty script on startup.

Thanks for any tips.