scanlinerender independet output resolution

i’m wondering why the scanlinerender node doesn’t have an independent output resolution (size format)? it’s using the size from global setting. I’m doing multiple nesting 3d scene using scanlinerender node and i’m trying to composite different sizes (resolution) of these sanlinerender layer/node, but i’m only allowed to have just one single size (refer to global setting). Don’t you think?


Can’t read OBJ file ?

straight ahead guys,

this is the first time i found the problem. When i load the obj file, suddenly there’s the warning :

objreader.dll: plugin did not define objReader:confused:

is there something wrong with my nuke ? or should be there’s some need attention while xporting the obj from max ?


DPX Header/Source Input Device

Hi there.

I’m trying to find a way to add a header or source input device (as d.j.v calls it) to a dpx file in nuke.

Pls help

Include Python procedures in Gizmo / FileOpen Dialog

Hi there!

I’ve made a custom gizmo with two python script buttons. At the time i’m running the script that defines the procedures executed by those buttons inside nuke’s script editor. is there a way to run this script when the node is created? so i jsut need to deploy my gizmo and the corresponding python script (without using or

and another thing i’ve been wondering about: is there a flag that tells the getFilename-Dialog to disable the preview window? it always produces an error since it doesnt understand the file extension given in the filter.

thanks for your help!


Nukex FBX to Maya – Working for anyone?

Hello Friends,

1. I tracked a Shot using Nukex Camera Tracker
2. Exported an FBX (using writegeo) – Camera and a Card
3. Imported into Maya and all was off scale. Increased the camera Scale factor from default 1.0 to 2.0 in maya. After this the geometry was aligned with the Image plane perfectly.

But the biggest issue I am facing is that the scale of the entire scene is very very small. I tried to change the import units from centimetres to millimeters but still no luck.

Has anybody successfully did FBX import to Maya from Nuke?

Please let me know.

Camera projection and splat map problem

I’m trying to set up a simple camera projection of a room and I want to extend my walls using the "splat map technique" described in the videos on The Foundry’s website.

Everything seems to be working up to the moment were I want to create my splat map by changing the scanline renderer to "uv" instead of render camera. See attached images of before and after.

In the videos all planes come out seperated from eachother but for my the come out on-top of eachother. Anyone have an idea about what’s going on? I’m using planes that I set up in Nuke, so they aren’t overlapping perfectly, could that be the problem?

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	splatmap_problem.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	219.0 KB
ID:	10322

Click image for larger version

Name:	splatmap_renderCamera.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	228.1 KB
ID:	10323

vector motion blur

Hi all,

I have rendered out a motion vector pass in Cinema 4d, and I want to use this with the vector motion blur node in Nuke, and it kind of works, but I get these jagged edges (see image). Does anybody know what I’m doing wrong? Or is this a Cinema 4d problem?

Hans Willem

get set for x component of xyz_knob

i m facing diffucutly in directly accessing x value of translate for a camera

i can get translation as list by cam[‘translate’].getValue()
offcourse i can set all three at same time

what if>> i only want to change x value…(how to get and set this) directly from camera node..?? any ideas,
thanks in advance

Nuke PLE broken?

I have a personal version of Nuke to try out some ideas. Unfortunately the top view in the 3d world never brings up the top view, unlike Nuke 5 on the box at work. Anyone else seeing this?

Lens Distortion, Rolling Shutter & CGI Q’s.

Hey guys, hopefully someone can give me a pointer in the right direction, sorry if you’ve seen this posted everywhere, going for shotgun approach 😀

If I’ve shot a scene to matchmove, is it best to remove the rolling shutter first, then apply the lens distortion tool to un-distort the image, or the other way around, un-distort then apply rolling shutter ?
(grids for the lenses are all shot, and yes obviously the camera has )

Secondly, once the ‘shot’ has been corrected, then ready to take into the matchmoving program, do I export it as the original resolution (1920×1080), or do I want the full un-distorted image which is larger than the original footage ?
Obviously this same footage will be used in the background in my 3d software (maya in this case), so I’m just a tiny, tiny bit unsure as to what to do !

Thank you for any help :niceone: