Motion path question

Hello everyone,

Please excuse the long post, I’ve included the MEL stuff.

I have some cubes that are attached to a motion path from this mel script…

for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++)
float $ropeUpos = ($i * 0.1) + .05;
select -r rope1;
polyCube -w 1 -h 2 -d 1 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 4 -ch 1;
group; xform -os -piv 0 0 0;
string $dnaBlock [] = `ls -sl`;
string $motionPathNode1 = `pathAnimation -follow true -fractionMode true
-curve rope1 $dnaBlock[0]`;
select -r ($motionPathNode1 + "_uValue");
setAttr ($motionPathNode1 + ".uValue") $ropeUpos;

I want to have the ability to move the cubes away from the curve/motion path, and have them animate back onto the path at whatever point in time I decide. I would also like to be able to reshape the path/curve interactively, possibly even keyframe it, and have the cubes "snap" back to the path.

Is this possible?

Thank you very much,

Craig Whitaker
MFA Candidate
New York University

Please help with .fbx files

Hi guys, I’m not really a Maya user since my work involves much about 2D. But I’ve found out that .fbx files are related to Maya so my problem goes like this: A client gave me a bunch of .fbx files (to be used as trackers) to take out (or paint out) an object off the scene. Problem was, the camera pans (then moves in an arc motion) focusing on the object itself. i.e. a panning bird’s eye view on a train on its tracks So, to make things easier, .fbx files were sent to me. My questions are: – Is there a way for me to convert an .fbx file into a workable file type? What I want to do is convert it to .shk since I’m using Apple Shake for now. – Aside from using Shake, can you think of other software that can convert these .fbx files to 2D space? (software at disposal include Mocha, Bojou, Silhouette FX and Shake) I’m so new to this so you are probably thinking I’m not making sense at all. Please help me out on this one. You can ask questions to make things clearer. Thanks a lot!

problem with modeling

i start work with maya last night and try to modeling all thing in my house so i have problem with this:
1-how i can select an area of my model and creat it to another object i work in nurbs mode.
2-how i can cut an area of my model and do it to another object i nurbs mode?
3-how i acn resize an area of an object but dont change other place of the object in nurbs mode?

thank to all please speak it with video or picture.


rendering or texturing problem. not sure

hi, i am using psd network to texture a building. it was working fine. then i closed maya and now later when i started it again it won’t render properly. i have selected color, transparency, bump attribute, but have worked on color so far. the textured building shows in the viewport, but when i render there is nothing. just black. anyone have any ideas why is this happening?? 🙁

Quick Help!!!Have a problem in rendering for water!!

dear all,

this is my first time to open the post. I have a question about rendering. you can see the picture there have so many place was dark. Even i set a high reflection or reaction or shadow rays etc.. the result also is it.. so how can i solve this problem . . the water was made by realflow. so there have many polygon.. pls help me..thank you so much

i tried to use the texture of dielec_material, blinn, mia_dielec_material.. sorry i dont know why i cannot upload.. so pls click it to see.its safe

back groundshader

i rendered out a single pass with my object over a plane that had a background shader and my scene in the image plane. i exported out into nuke and realised that the image plane was rendered to. no prob. my questions is, say i did not render my image plane out, would my shadows still be present. should i do render layers passes, so my image plane can be just thrown out. i tryed this on a previous project, and my background shader never showed when i comped in nuke. really don’t know if i explained this right, but any advice would by highley appreciated:D

FBX import from CAD to Maya?

Hello everyone,

I’ve been given a .fbx file from AutoCad and when I try to import into Maya 2010 on a Mac, it imports an empty parent object. Is there a way to make this import work correctly?

Thank you very much.


Rendering displacement maps in MR

Hi there.
I have this problem: I sculpted a mesh in Z Brush, then I extracted and exported displacement maps and tried to map them on to the mesh in Maya 2008. I asigned mental ray DisplaceApproximation node to the poly mesh with approx method set to parametric. After I rendered the scene, displaced mesh seemed as if every face of the mesh was shrinked and disconnected from neighbouring faces. There were gaps between faces. Is this a problem of a displacement map, or an approximation node settings, or some problem with the mesh itself? How can I fix this?
Thank you for an advice.


lens flare animation in maya

hi can any 1 pls hlep me with animating lens flare in maya??? i hav tried with optical effects but m not able to animate it.. the shot is of a river on a map so whn the camera moves closer to the river the sun reflectson the river and dats whn i wanna show a lens flare bt the camera is moving so the lens flare also has to move with the camera …. plssssss help me with this… :thanks:

SynthEyes to Maya problem

Hi,guys here.
I do supervised tracking in SynthEyes and save as Maya asci scene.
But in Maya,the point cloud looks on the wrong position.(and point cloud looks too small in display)
How could I solve the problem?
3 pics: 1 is in SynthEyes. 3 is in Maya.

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