Tracking objects above a person’s head

I’m reasonably new to composting. I’ve 3D’ing for a while; though it’s only recently that I’ve become enthused by the mixing of virtual and live action media.

I’ve done a few textbook tracking shots, bits of planar tracking in Mocha and some work in Boujou, and I’ve just hit a stumbling block. How would I get a 3D object to float above a person’s head as they move around?

The shot that I’ve setup is essentially a nodal pan, the camera remains on the spot as the person moves around the scene. So far I’ve managed to get a reasonable solve in Boujou, at least as far as the overall scene is concerned. The resulting point cloud reflects the scene geometry, so I’m able to get my bearings; though I’m obviously still reduced to animating the virtual object by hand through the scene. I’m helped a great deal by the predicted points; though it’s hardly a "rock solid" approach to pinning the abject to the individual as they move around.

Any offers on the theory of how this shot is done?

Thanks in advance,


How would I go about tracking this shot?


I’ve got a clip from this site:…eenplates.html

I downloaded the second one down – Matchmove Test Close (There is a preview of it on the site), really excited that I was gonna start my first proper matchmoving test and then i thought… Oh, how would I go about tracking that? :confused:

I’m kinda new to the whole concept of matchmoving, so I have a couple of questions.

1) Just in general, what’s the best way to track the shot? Should I use an automatic tracker whilst masking out the actor, or set up target tracks on the green screen markers? If so, are there any specific ones I should track or is that irrelevant?

2) I’m making the assumption that the pole is included in the shot so I can track it and help the camera work out the perspective? If this is the case is there a specific part of it I should track? Also, what’s the point in the post-it notes?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated,


I cannot select individual prediction points in Boujou


I try to track a moving camera in Boujou 5. As I finished the tracking, camera solving, I cannot select individual points, if I select one, all are selected automatically.

What is your suggestion?

Thanks in advance.


PF track tutorials

im new to pf track an was wondering were i can get some tutorials covering the important stuff.would prefer if there not crummy you tube ones,thanks

PFTrack export limited to 312 frames?

Hi all,

I’ve tracked some footage and now want to export the camera data to Maya. However, once imported into Maya the baked camera animation stops at frame 312. Anyone know why this is happening?

The footage is 1920×1080 interlaced at 25fps, and I deinterlaced it using field separation so I could track it better. This changes the frame rate to 50.

I’ve tried changing the frame rate back to 25 and exporting it, which does actually allow the animation to continue for more than 312 frames but it still stops at the exact same point in the footage. I’ve also tried changing Maya’s playback speed to 25 and 50 with no success.

Any help is appreciated.


Matchmover 2010 Viewer Flickering


I’ve installed Matchmover 2010 on my mac, but am having problems with the viewer when a sequence is loaded. Most of the image disappears on random frames, although it will momentarily reappear when dragged over.

I’ve tried loads of formats, with and without alpha channels, but it makes no difference.

Any ideas? Thank you in advance,


Inverted solve

Hello all,
I’m new here.
I’ve been having a problem with pftrack and boujou, was hoping somoene might be able to help.

I’ve tracked and solved a shot in boujou and pftrack and the results are similar. Objects i know to be in the foreground come out in the background in the 3d view and vise versa.
the camera move seems to be correct. The focal length is set at a fixed 40mm. (the shot is underwater so hard to determine, but it was expected to be about 40) the camera is a free move but is very slight and almost like a nodal pan.

is there any way to invert the solve in either boujou or pftrack?

All help is much appreciated.


Boujou and Maya prob!!! need help asap!

hi…i am a newcomer in matchmoving……I am using boujou and maya 2008 softwares… prob is; I matchmove the shot almost perfectly, if not 100% perfect, as well as test it using add geometry option in boujou!…and it works perfectly there!..i.e. geometry perfectly matchmove with the shot thier in boujou!……but the prob starts when i export the camera and other info in maya…..and when i add a geometry or anything else there so as to match it with my matchmoved camera in the shot…it, i.e. the geometry,..does not match perfectly….after some frames it does not match the shot/video!!…..

So, I want to know wht am I doing wrong in that?….what can I do to correct this prob?… far as i know now i understand most of the things in matchmoving after spending lots of time in watching tutorials and reading stuff related to matchmove….but this prob is very frustrating for me :(… i am not able to create something for my showreel …….so please anyone there can help me out here!!!….hopefully will get some positive response from this forum!!!…:confused:

thanks in advance!!

pftrack question

so i have a exported solve and open it in 3ds max and the image plane doesn’t have the sequence, there is just a big red x. anyone know how to solve this?


pfTrack: how do I export 2D position data for a test object

Hi all,
Had a hard 2D track that point (AFX) and planar (mocha) trackers couldn’t solve.
Brought the shot into pfTrack and got a great camera solve right off the bat.
There were no auto-features in the area I needed to track, for the same reason that afx and mocha failed–nothing good to track in the area I wanted.
So I put down a test object and it follows the area I want perfectly.
Now, how do I get the 2D position data for my test object back to AFX?
I have RTFM but it seems to only describe exporting data (2D or 3D) for auto- and user-features.