How would I go about tracking this shot?


I’ve got a clip from this site:…eenplates.html

I downloaded the second one down – Matchmove Test Close (There is a preview of it on the site), really excited that I was gonna start my first proper matchmoving test and then i thought… Oh, how would I go about tracking that? :confused:

I’m kinda new to the whole concept of matchmoving, so I have a couple of questions.

1) Just in general, what’s the best way to track the shot? Should I use an automatic tracker whilst masking out the actor, or set up target tracks on the green screen markers? If so, are there any specific ones I should track or is that irrelevant?

2) I’m making the assumption that the pole is included in the shot so I can track it and help the camera work out the perspective? If this is the case is there a specific part of it I should track? Also, what’s the point in the post-it notes?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated,


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