PFBarrel plug-in?

The PFTrack manual mentions a PFBarrel plug-in for After Effects that applies dewarping based on Track’s lens distortion settings.

I can’t find any mention of it on their website. Is it dead? Does it work with CS5?

matchmoving with bokeh

i plan on shooting some clips with very shallow depth of field. I’d like to digitally insert some 3D elements later. I’m concerned tho that the matchmoving software willl have nothing good to track.

how would you suggest I go about this?
would it be best to shoot it at a slower aperture and artificially blur it later?

improve solution

can any one pl help hw 2 use improve solution in PF track

thank in advance

camera solve still shot

Hi there
i have a sequence with little or no camera motion and i need to solve the camera to aid modelling the set for a fluid sim. I remember watching an fxphd tutorial where they used the estimate focal length tool to get a camera position solve out for a still frame, but can’t remember the workflow. any ideas?

PFtrack & wide clip

Hi all,

I have just a question:

When I import clip in PFTRACK Pal wide or 1440×1080, it not seems wide, seem always 4:3, and it’s a problem for tracking, can you help me with this problem!
Sure it’s a little problem,
thanks thanks thanks

Grid sticks but not object? Pftrack

Alright im using pftrack, and when i track and solve the grid sticks perfectly but if i put a test object it wiggles like mad and hardly sticks..

2.Also When i put the matchmoved render into after effects with the original footage it doesnt match at all.. This problem has a solid track also

File Formats for Tracking / VFX Pipline

I search the forum, but don’t found a good solution for my work.

What is the best workflow for Tracking in SynthEyes to work seamless with other Software in pipeline?

1) Footage is shot with the Canon 7D and records its HD movies as MOV files using AVC / H.264 compression. Some shots are from RED (Premiere have been able to work with the native REDCODE files (.R3D file extension).

2) CG Elements are Lightwave 9.6 render multipass as EXR

3) VFX Comp is in Fusion 6 (Windows, 64Bit)

4) Final Editing / Cut is in Adobe premiere pro (Windows, 64Bit)

I read that TIFF or PNG are best for tracking in SE? What Software is able to create as batch process to PNG or TIFF Sequence (MPEG Streamclip has Codex issues with MOV, Fusion 64 Bit can’t read MOV)?

What do others use as VFX Pipeline File Formats from 1) to 4) ?


simple question

I matchmoved a shot and now i need to scale the plate in .9
what do i need to do now to the camera to adjust for that .9 scaling of the plate?

any help would be great, im new to matchmoving.

Boujou – Adjusting Focal Length

Hi there,

I’ve completed a track in Boujou that is 95% of the way there, but there is a slight distortion in the camera solve where the 3D scene containing the solved points is ‘stretched’, which in my experience is due to a slight offset in the camera solve’s focal length.

In PF-Track, the matchmoving software that I’m more familiar with, you have the Focal Length Tool, which gives you a hand’s on way of estimating the focal length before solving the camera.

What’s Boujou’s method of dealing with this problem?
Are there various tools that can help?


Boujou: tracking background and object

hello guys, im new to the forum!

i wanna track this scene: a jeep in the desert, with the camera following the jeep on the side. so the camera is moving and the jeep too.

anyway i did track the background and i did track the jeep.
the problem i have is that i have 2 solve, but it looks like the first solve (BG) lost the autotrack-predictions.

so what is the right way to track background and jeep?
should i export both in a different export? and try to match the movement in Maya?

btw if i track the bg, i have a solve where the camera moves and the BG points (predictions) dont. that s fine.

but now i have to track these jeep, so in theory the camera should have the same movement from the 1st solve (BG) and the predictions should move, sticking on the jeep…

right now with the second solve i have a completely new camera movement and static points (while they should move as it s a moving jeep)

any ideas??

thanks guys!