RE:PLAY Film Festival: Batch Four

It’s with great pleasure that I share another batch of films created for the F5 RE:PLAY Film Festival. This time around, we’re proud to present work from Sehsucht, Crush and Bearfight. Enjoy!

Sehsucht: Idea

Crush: Art of Thought

Bearfight: Contraction

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Posted on Motionographer

Emilio Gomariz: Folder Type

Emilio Gomariz, a Madrid-based art director, created and colored 22,655 empty folders in OS X to create an engaging type-based animation.

This video adds to the tradition of using the OS and/or software applications as media for animation. For other works in the same spirit, continue past the jump.

Posted on Motionographer

Imaginary Forces: Machine Vision

Imaginary Forces got inside the heads of the killer cyborgs in Warner Bros’ Terminator Salvation to develop “machine vision,” making their contribution to the fascinating field of screen design.

Check it out, along with a making-of video and some great screen design work from others. Read on…

Posted on Motionographer

Gobelins for Annecy 2009

2nd-year Gobelins students created five jaw-dropping shorts to introduce each day of screenings at this year’s Annecy festival. All of the films except Jelly Sunday are presented in the YouTube montage above. You can check out each film individually here:

  • Monstera Deliciosa
    Jérémy Macedo, Julien Perron, Ornélie Prioul, Rémi Salmon
  • Le Lac Gele (The Frozen Lake)
    Jean-David Fabre, Fabien Guillaume, Sébastien Hary, Paul Nivet, Vincent Verniers
  • Fenrir
    Nuno Alves Rodrigues, Oussama Bouacheria, Alice Dieudonné, Aymeric Kevin, Ulysse Malassagne
  • Dodudindon
    Lucrèce Andreae, Julien Chheng, Tracy Nowocien, Rémy Schaepman
  • Jelly Sunday
    Ugo Bienvenu, Julien Daubas, Clément Desnos, Florian Parrot, Arthur Peltzer

Thanks to our long-time tipster, Shaun Collings.

Posted on Motionographer

Gundam Tokyo

I’m a sucker for anything robotic. A 59-foot-tall life-sized Gundam was built and just set up at Tokyo, it will be officially open to the public in July. Pics at here and here.

Fresh Paint: TCM 31 Days of Oscar


Some of you may remember Fresh Paint’s stunning promo for TCM’s 31 Days of Oscar event from last year. This year’s reprise uses the same basic structure but manages to top the original somehow.

Both promos “star” a masterfully cut montage, which on its own would be an achievement. But the real magic is in the interplay between the screen and the set, a metaphorical armature that works brilliantly for a promo built around the Academy Awards.

I’m glad that TCM and Fresh Paint both found the courage and energy to take on this project again. Whille I’m not sure it’ll work for a third year, this encore is a welcome gift.

Posted on Motionographer

Logan: NASA Project “A Volta”

Warning: This video contains strong language, simulated sex and violence. Might not be suitable for some environments.

For the NASA (North America South America) Project’s “A Volta,” Santa Monica-based Logan built a dim lit nightmarish world of isometric madness and ultraviolence inspired by the artwork of The Date Farmers.

In an interview with BoingBoing’s Xeni Jardin, Logan’s Alexei Tylevich explains the semi-narrative structure of the project:

It wasn’t meant to be a great “story” but just another structural device to keep the viewer occupied. It’s a music track with a “plot” thinly stretched over it. I thought it might be clever to turn this video into a mini-film with a semblance of a plot. A plot that has the same level of strategically naive incompetence and misdirected energy that is implied in the work of Date Farmers.

If you’ve been following Motionographer for a while, you’re no stranger to Logan’s work. While they’re capable of producing consistently slick commercials for clients like Apple and Lexus, they refuse to be easily pigeonholed.

Projects like Toyota “Meet” and their Metal Gear Solid 4 interstitials defy categorization and challenge rational thinking. Skewing towards post-modern modes of presentation that leverage dissonance, juxtaposition and suspension of resolution, these works show that Logan is as interested in exploring formal qualities of storytelling as they are in straightforward narrative.

Case in point: The “making of” featurette Logan created for “A Volta” does little to reveal technical details, opting instead for an obtusely entertaining mockumentary:

Read the full interview over at BoingBoing for more information.

Artist: N.A.S.A.
Track: “A Volta” (feat. Amanda Blank, Sizzla & Lovefoxx)
Director: Logan
Producer: Logan
Original Artwork: The Date Farmers
Commissioned by: Squeak E. Clean Productions
Executive Producer: Susan Applegate
© 2009 Spectrophonic Sound under license to Anti- Records

Posted on Motionographer

The Vendor-Client Relationship


Motionographer’s Bran Dougherty-Johnson chats with Scofield Editorial, the creators of the funny-because-it’s-true viral hit, The Vendor-Client Relationship in the Real World.

Read the interview and discuss…

Posted on Motionographer

Deadline – Post-it Stop Motion

Deadline is a stop motion animation made with Post-it notes by Bang-yao Liu. It was a student project at Savannah College of Art and Design.

Supinfocom :: OCEANSIZE


This massive 8-minute offering from four Supinfocom Arles students may be the most ambitious student piece I have ever seen—and it’s my favorite to date.

Amazing attention to detail, exquisite lighting, and epic matte paintings are just the beginning of this oil rigging adventure gone wrong.  The suspense follows 2 futuristic oil riggers, one barring a remarkably close resemblance to Romain Jouandeau himself, as they square off against what they are looking for in the first place. Unfortunately for their sake, it finds them.

Created in 10 months by Romain Jouandeau, Adrien Chartie, Gilles Mazières and Fabien Thareau, this project has some truly beautiful moments.  It also boasts a very high level of skill in the technical department, with an awesome combined use of Realflow and the 3D Max plug-in, Dreamscape.

For a behind the scenes look at the making of Oceansize and other delectable goodies, be sure to look here at the official site.  For even more excellent sketches, concept art and matte painting work, have a look at Romain’s personal site.

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