Superestudio: “Inactivo”

Inactivo is the latest short film by Lamole, the B side of Argentinian Superestudio. It’s about a woodcutter’s brave journey through a gloomy forest of giant scissors. Facing his childhood fears, he walks towards his final redemption. The finely crafted opening credits and sound design adds a nice touch to this intense drama.

“We looked for the best way to figuratively represent the inside of a traumatised mind, and we ended up deciding to shoot the main body of the film in the forest, on 16mm film, and the main title sequence in the studio. The challenge of the post-production stage was to work with a great range of aesthetic and quality resources, in the subtle framework of constructing a realistic world that denoted ‘little intervention’, leading to this bizarre world”

Superestudio’s Reel shows how the studio has a substantial commercial repertoire, so it’s great to see them dedicate some time to non-commercial projects!

Posted on Motionographer

Wade for PC Tools

At Wade Studios we recently completed an animated project for PC Tools.


Two new shorts, “Meet Buck” and “Salesmen Pete,” have emerged from France by a group of extremely talented filmmakers coupled together on the same site.

“Meet Buck,” directed by Denis Bouyer, Yann De Preval, Vincent E Sousa, Laurent Monneron, takes us on an exquisitely designed and perfectly paced piece of storytelling featuring an antler-laden hero in search of some quality time with his girlfriend.  Just when you thought things were cool, enter: her dad, the hunter—and the real fun begins.

“Salesmen Pete” directed by Marc Bouyer, Max Loubaresse, Anthony Vivien, takes us on an equally intense ride as we follow a government enhanced super-agent out to stop thieving bad guys who now control an extraordinary magic stone. This ride is chocked full of fun characters, fast-paced action and spot-on design and animation. You gotta love it.

Be sure to check the Salesmen Buck site, under gallery, to find some cool process work on “Meet Buck,” and also check out this entire blog dedicated to Salesmen Pete and its process.

Meet Buck:

Denis Bouyer

Yann De Preval

Vincent E Sousa
(Rigging reel :​13957690)

Laurent Monneron

Sound Design: Julien Begault

Music : Yannis Dumoutiers and Mickaël Védrine

Salesmen Pete :

Marc Bouyer

Max Loubaresse

Anthony Vivien

Music: Cyrille Marchesseau

Sound Design: Mael Vignaux

Posted on Motionographer

Buck for Google eBooks

After much speculations and rumours, Google launches its own eBookstore today. Lots of talk about its pros and cons, as well as discussions about whether this would turn people away from other paperless book formats, such as Kindle, and so on.

But luckily for us all, this is a Motion Design blog, so let’s get to the juicy bits–here’s the spot announcing the launch. Once again Google favours the hand-crafted aesthetic, which I personally think is a smart move. Not only it is in keeping with the rest of Google’s campaign (eg. Chrome), but it also somewhat appeals to consumers like me who prefer the paper to pixel. In addition to saving trees, (although I don’t claim to know the exact carbon-cost advantage of eBooks), this campaign may just be the final push I need to switch to this new way of reading.

Thanks for the tip, Mungo and for the research, Igor!

Posted on Motionographer

F5 Tickets on Sale!

It’s so on. Happy F5 tickets are now live!

We’re summoning the powers of collective incentive, a new approach to early bird purchasing. Here’s how it works: Buy your F5 ticket(s) right about here. If at least 200 of you purchase by New Year’s Eve (December 31st at 11:59pm EST), your ticket will only be $280. The deal will stay alive even after the 200 mark until the time is up. Smiles all around.

But if that scale isn’t “tipped” (200 sold), then the deal is off and your purchase will be refunded. Tickets will then be available at the original ticket price of $480 in January.

Two weeks ago, we opened up tickets to our 2009 attendees and they sold at a pace that far exceeded our expectations. So far, this response has been overwhelming. The creative community has been patiently waiting to take a gulp, blow out those candles and make a big wish.

The question now: How happy do you want to be?

Posted on Motionographer

Sean Freeman

Sean creates typography and illustrations that are visually tactile.

Romain Laurent Photography

Romain Laurent Photography. His personal work shines. His editorial work sings.

Psyop drops an instant classic for LG

Psyop’s latest for LG brings a living room to life with a whimsy few others can rival.

It has become too easy to blindly praise the powerhouse that is Psyop. Their talent and resources consistently put them out in front of the competition and they have continued to set the bar for the better part of five years.

Let’s stop for a moment and dissect what it is that really makes them great. For me, it’s that extra percent from concept to delivery. It’s that hyper-attention to movement and timing, details in design and an overall way of noticing moments of beauty in the mundane that push this spot – like many others – into the realm of greatness. Immerse and enjoy.

Agency: Young & Rubicam NY
Executive Creative Director: Scott Vitrone
Executive Creative Director: Ian Reichenthal
Global Creative Director: Stuart Harricks
Global Creative Director: Andrew McKechnie
VP, Creative Director / Art Director: Gabriel Hoskins
Creative Director / Writer: Cheryl Chapman
Executive Director of Content Production: Lora Schulson
Executive Director of Content Production: Nathy Aviram
Senior Content Producer: Tennille Teague
Executive Music Producer: Eric David Johnson
Assistant Content Producer: Luiza Naritomi

Production Company: Psyop / Smuggler
Director: Psyop
Psyop Creative Directors: Marie Hyon, Marco Spier
Executive Producers (Psyop): Lucia Grillo, Justin Booth-Clibborn, Lydia Holness
Producers (Psyop): Michael Neithardt, Sean Sullivan
Executive Producer/Partner (Smuggler): Patrick Milling Smith
Executive Producer/Partner (Smuggler): Brian Carmody
Executive Producer/COO (Smuggler): Lisa Rich
Executive Producer (Smuggler): Allison Kunzman
Head of Production (Smuggler): Laura Thoel
Live Action Producer (Smuggler): Erin Wile
Director of Photography: Fred Elmes
Animation: Psyop
Lead 3D Artist: Christian Bach
3D Artists: Todd Akita , Alvin Bae, Jonah Friedman, David Barosin, Miguel Salek, Xuan Siefert, Jimmy Gass, Pat Porter, Kitty Lin, Keith Kim
3D Animator: Jae Ham
Lead 2D Artist: Nick Tanner
2D Artists: Adam Flynn, Dan Short
Designers: Anh Vu, Jonathan Saunders
Editor: Cass Vanini
Storyboard Artist: Ben Chan
Tracking: Joerg Liebold
Design Interns: Sam Ballardini, Hung Liao

Music and Sound Design: Q Department

Posted on Motionographer

Buck: Against Dumb

Buck‘s back again for Smart Car’s campaign, Against Dumb. It’s the eco-friendly-car idea explored in quite a particular way; a retro colour pallette, mixed with a precise sense of timing and narrative transitions, adds up to a solid piece of classic Buck.

Creative Director Orion Tait kindly shared some words about the project with Motionographer:

“Our pals over at Strawberry Frog approached us with a great little script, an open animation brief and a pretty tight schedule. We’ve done a couple projects with them recently, and they loved the piece we did for Waiting for Superman. Striking the right balance of tone was important; If taken too seriously or too flippantly, we ran the risk of alienating viewers and accentuating the potential hypocrisy in a message like this. So the direction was to have fun with it, to be anthemic without being preachy. As always, music and sound design help quite a bit in this regard, and as always Antfood totally nailed it.”

Director: Buck
Creative Director: Orion Tait
Executive Producer: Anne Skopas
Producer: Kitty Dillard
Design: Gareth O’Brien / Yker Moreno
Lead Animation: Gareth O’Brien
Additional Animation: Harry Teitelman / Chad Colby / Claudio Salas /Jacques Khouri

Sound Design & Music: Antfood
VO Talent: Tirtzah Wilson

Agency: Strawberry Frog

Posted on Motionographer

Logonom: Symbolizing Excellence

Opening titles and sponsor reels have, for the most part, become boring. If not fully redefining the aesthetic or technical envelop, content-less flare just doesn’t cut it anymore.

This is far from the case with this well written and executed, corporate film spoof from Optimus the for 2010 AICP-Midwest Conference, Logonom. Usually working with an open brief, it’s great to see people using opportunities like this to flex all their creative assets.

Posted on Motionographer