PepperMellon for The Guardian and The Observer “World Cup”

As an appetizer to the hotly anticipated World Cup, Argentinean studio, PepperMellon, has jockeyed their way to front-lines and served up a playful treat to whet the appetites of commercial-goers and sport fans alike. With help from Wieden + Kennedy (London) and Stink, the studio has looked to character based animation in a cheerful and carefree advert made to raise awareness for The Guardian and Observer’s involvement in the upcoming sporting event.

Through a kaleidoscope of shots, the spot shows how —no matter where you are— the world can freely enjoy the footballing action of the event. With every changing scene, characters are depicted to be gleefully reacting to a World Cup moment that ripples across all cross-media platforms. The spot has a cute look. Like so many of the PepperMellon’s work, it finds a color palette that’s bright and welcoming, but not too pushy. In testimony to the music, the distinctively British tune is a perky, footballing hym that sings the praises of the event and mirrors the fun-for-sun’s-sake mood of the piece, which will leave you humming the foot-tapping ditty non-stop.

For a behind-the-curtain look at how the spot came together, see here.

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Edouard Salier for Coke

Director Edouard Salier and production company Paranoid US deliver another amazing football themed spot in time for the World Cup. This time working for Coke, they tell a story in almost mythic grandeur of a boy’s quest for a personal and unique celebration. The spot elegantly shows the spirit of the game and isn’t too blatant in it’s delivery. Kudos to Coke for once again trusting in their audience to have some intelligence.

Oh, if anyone is interested, the track is by K’naan

Watch Quest

Coca-Cola “Quest”

Global Brand Director – Shay Drohan
Project Lead – Emmanuel Seuge
Creative Excellence -Jonathan Mildenhal
Agency – SANTO, Buenos Aires
Creative Directors – Sebastian Wilhelm, Pablo Minces
Art Director – Maximiliano Anselmo
Copy Writer – Pablo Minces
Producer – Ezequiel Ortiz
Account Director – Ignacio Diez
Planner – Martin Cole

Production Company – Paranoid US
Director – Edouard Salier
Executive Producers- Claude Letessier, Cathleen O’Conor
Flame Artist – Christophe Richard
Flame Assistant – Amandine Moulinet
Producer – Anne Lifshitz
Graphic Designers – Yué Wu, Corentin Rouge, Marthe Salier, Damien Martin, Julien Michel, Xavier Reyé, Florent Gombeau

Post Company – Digital District
Post Supervisor – Peggy Tavenne
Executive Producer – David Danesi
VFX Artists- Marc-Thomas Cave, Jean Lamoureux, Thomas Marque, Florian Rihn
Modeling – Jimmy Cave
Animation – Romuald Caudroit, Remi Gamiette, Margaux Durand-Rival, Nicolas Dabos
Lighting – Nicolas Belin, Nicolas Vion
Audio Company – X-Track
Mixer/Engineer – François Roy
Executive Producer – François Roy
Track Artist – K’NAAN

Posted on Motionographer