Proper way of shooting an HDRI globe

I have a relatively simple question, but it’s something I still can’t quite figure out since I’m somewhat new to the process. I’ve used a chrome ball before to gather reflection/light information for a video shot on the HVX-200 cam. I understand that the proper way of doing this is by gathering multiple exposures from two different angles (90 degrees apart).

However, because of the way the HVX was set up, the color information recorded differed quite a bit from, say, a Nikon picture I would have gotten by shooting it the proper way. So, I instead shot the globe with the HVX, and used a still frame to get the data (this also saved a ton of time). Obviously it was imported into my application quite dark as it wasn’t HDR, but by raising the levels on it, I managed to get a very good result that matched both lighting and reflections shot in the scene.

Now I realize I’m doing it the wrong way, but it seems to work. I would like to know why most people don’t just shoot the chrome balls in camera? Is this something only done on film, or is it just completely avoided altogether?

Newbie to Shake needing Mac & raid advice

I am still new to FCP but want to get Shake due to it’s low cost and don’t care it’s no longer being developed. I could buy the new MacPro but prefer to be mobile and have looked at a 15" MacbookPro with maxed ram and CPU. I also found a Magma PCIe expansion chassis that connects into the MBP’s express34 slot, which I can laod a raid card with a mini-SAS connection to a 4 drive ProAVIO raid and get nearly 350MBs.

My main questions are how does ProRes HQ fare against uncompressed, do I have to get an 8 core, is 4MB of ram fine, and how many layers are typical per real time edit (to help me figure how fast a raid I need). Thank you! Peter

How do I render separate passes in Silhouette?

I have 3 objects, each roto’d. I want to render them out in the same file, with each object in a separate color channel.



Fractal ?

Hi there.

I’m wondering how can I achieve such results

check the starting of both movies, I’m wondering how these light-streak style cloudy things are created.. Fractal art ? if yes, how ? if no, how ?

motion capture performance

hello everyone. i will be shooting some footage of motion capture performance in a few days, there’ll be 5 camera, 2 actors wearing reflective-tape-wrapped-ping-pongs. the room the shooting will take place has reasonably good lighting, but the walls are multi-coloured.

my question is: do you think i will need to buy black cloth to cover the walls?

thanks for taking the time on this one 😎

Where do I get the pictures to a outer space down to earth shot?

Hi there,

You know these fx shots where you travel from outer space and all the way down to the earths surface – well they are pretty easy to make.

I’ve already done the shot for preview purposes and use in a mood board. But I used pictures found via google and some taken from google maps.

Where do I go and purchase sattelite images of the earth and in 4K resolution for cormecial use in a feature film?

Thank you –
for taking time to read my question.


Cinematic Look, do I interpret footage or adjust comp framerate?

Dear members of this forum,

The DOP of the project requested me to work on a 24fps (in order to obtain a cinematic look) while the footage was shot on 25fps.

Do I interpret the footage to 24fps aswell as the composition frame rate?
or should I just do it to the comp frame rate without interpreting?

I’ve test rendered a few with various settings but I’m afraid my eyes are tricking me :S

Appreciate any advice..

PFTrack questions

hello everyone, this is my first post here.

i am currently trying to learn PFTrack, i started with motion capture, which i got it to work smoothly. what i’m having trouble with at the moment is camera tracking, i have the test objects sticking, which is good i guess, but then i could never get the grid to stick to the actual ground plane in the footage.

i used to think tracking a shot will require measurements of camera aperture and focal length, then i watched some dude track a shot with PFTrack on Youtube without the measurements, so i went and tried myself, but it’s not working.

can some one give me a definitive answer? do i have to have the exact measurement of camera aperture and focal length to track a shot?

thanks for you time.


help me


like you people said i searching all the internet. but can anybody about a thing. if i get a 10th standard qualification and a diploma in combustion and maya. will anybody hire me.

please dont say it depends on your talent. coz i wanted to know that.

Thanks in advance

Banding Problems in post


Fairly, simple question to you.

I’m compositing some 3d elements with a gradient background, and adding DOF.

The problems is, before adding DOF, I set the "ramp scatter" in the background to a good amount (to prevent banding) but after I add depth of field, just because it "blurs" and "softens" all the areas at the background (focusing a foreground object) banding starts to happen again.

How can I prevent/minimise banding in these kind of situations ? For the time being, I dont want to leave this as it is now.