What does a VFX producer do ?

What does a VFX producer do ? Is he like a movie producer ?

Can a VFX artist from India find job abroad ?

Can a VFX artist from India find job in any company abroad ? or should he attend any particular diploma/degree course in that country ?

rotoscopy in 3D compositing ?

does rotoscopy find any application in 3D compositing ? how is it used

compositing beginner help

i have a HD video footage .. i need to do some compositing .. What are the basic colour settings to be used so that i get good quality output..i mean should i change 8bit to higher bit depth or anything ?

VFX composite workflow ?

I’m doing some tests here and I’m having some problems.

Converted into a short video sequence of images, I tried a variety of formats including TIFF, TGA, exr, etc. ….

Everyone had different color from the original video, the quality seems to keep the same but the problem is color.

Maybe my workflow wrong.

First I took the video and cut and made the final cut after mounting everything sent to the color and did the color correction, final cut pro after I sent back there I left in media manager and I ordered a copy to create a reference from the same project but cut with the files in separate movies, hence I got the scene that needed to compose and converted into image sequence, I used the compressor to do this and tried mpegstreamclip and the same problem when I convert color images in sequence.

Another thing I’m thinking about is to surrender after composing.

I have a file in Quicktime ProRes (LT), convert to image sequence, open in Nuke and I needed composition, and what format I can export?because I have to send back to the final cut to finalize it with audio, transitions and everything right.

What better way to work without losing quality and do not need to be recompressed the file?

If I make composite in nuke without converting to image sequence, the. Mov in ProRes even after I export in ProRes again? This does not lose quality?


New to Compositing. Where should I start?

Hey guys,

My name is Stefan Lipsius. I have just recently graduated from a game development program, but I focused on animation while I was there. Compositing was being taught in the animation program at my school, and it was something that interest me. So, I’m taking on the task of teaching myself via online tutorials / learning books.

Here is my problem. I have NO IDEA where to begin. What I should learn first. What are the foundations of compositing. The basics, really. Motion tracking, rotoscoping, compositing, etc. *Shrug*

Anyone have any tips for a newbie?

I am using After Effects CS4, and have already found the creativecow.net tutorials.



How to track object on the face ?

I would like to create a CG goggles and match it with the movement of my head .. How do i do it ? i have a bare idea about it.. I gotta use trackers on the face and capture the footage..then use a matchmoving software to track the camera … then match the object by exporting settings to a 3d package.. have i missed out anything ?
What all should i have in mind while doing such a shot ? Which software would be best to track a shot like this? please help…

Advices about demo reel

Hello everyone!

I am french and I am nineteen years old. I am currently studying in a cinema school, I am fond of visual effects and I dream to be a vfx compositor later. For the moment I try to work a lot to improve my skills in After Effects, and more recently in Nuke, by working of different personal projects.
I’d like perhaps to find an internship by the end of the year and I know that I would probably have to build some kind of demo reel to show my skills. That’s why I’d like to have some advices on how I should make it, what should I put in it and where should I submit it. I’d like also to have a rough idea about what is the minimum "required knowledge" to aspire to an internship in a small studio.
Do you think that I am still too young? What should I do to gain more experience? And what are the critical points in compositing that I need to master as a beginner?

Thanks for your answers, I hope my english is understandable :rolleyes:

Nuke Nodes Glossary?

So today i was learning some nuke in class, and it occurred to me are there any book out there on Nuke? or is it that new of a software that no one is an expert yet to write a book?

to be honest at the moment all im looking for is a list of all the nodes in nuke and what they do, they don’t have to be to much detail. just if i want to add grain or de-grain what are my options (thats just an example) . i do know there are also various plug ins as well. so i know that is also some consideration. all i know is im in nukeX

thanks for any help. im still kinda new at this but i want to learn as much as i can as fast as i can

My journey / No Fusion books?!?! WHY??

Hey guys, I’m new here and this is my first thread.

I always loved looking at specials effects for movies and how they did it. So about a year ago I decided to learn it on my own.

I started out by playing around with Maya, I bought some books and I kind of got the basic knowledge of how it works, and what tools do. I enjoyed it for a while, but after getting to know that modeling is just one of the steps in specials effects, I decided I’d learn a compositing software.

The first thing that popped in my mind was After Effects. Why not right? I’m familiar with Photoshop and Illustrator. So i bought a book, and I started learning from there, I also did some tutorials online where I gained some new knowledge.

But after getting to know a little bit more of compositing, I’ve learned that most movies are done in node-base softwares, like Fusion, Nuke, Shake (By the way, is it still in use for movies after Apple "killed it"?)

So here’s my first question:

What makes a node-base software better than a layer-base software?
Let’s say:
Fusion X After Effects

So my journey continues, I’ve downloaded the Fusion Learning Edition one day ago, I still didn’t get a lot of time to play around it, but somehow knowing a little bit of Maya helps me understand it better 🙂

Since I don’t want my "hyperness" to go away, I decided to get some books and devote myself to learn it.

But that’s the problem!!!


How come such a well respected compositing software, used in a bunch of different movies don’t have a single book about it?

Is it some kind of a secret society where you go to your local library and you say a password, and the person taking care of you brings you back a book and tells you to don’t say anything? haha i know I’m being silly here, and I also know that the book:

The Art and Science of Digital Compositing,

is based on Fusion 2.5?! (at least that’s what I read)

But isn’t there a book where I could get all the knowledge a beginner should get?

If you guys know courses, school classes, tutorial sites that teach you how to get around Fusion I would appreciate it A LOT!

For the experts out there, just a curious question. How did you guys learn your compositing software?

Right now I have this goal in my head, and I want to keep fighting for it, all help is VERY welcomed!

Thank you guys!

I’m really glad I found this website!

-Sneaky Money