Advices about demo reel

Hello everyone!

I am french and I am nineteen years old. I am currently studying in a cinema school, I am fond of visual effects and I dream to be a vfx compositor later. For the moment I try to work a lot to improve my skills in After Effects, and more recently in Nuke, by working of different personal projects.
I’d like perhaps to find an internship by the end of the year and I know that I would probably have to build some kind of demo reel to show my skills. That’s why I’d like to have some advices on how I should make it, what should I put in it and where should I submit it. I’d like also to have a rough idea about what is the minimum "required knowledge" to aspire to an internship in a small studio.
Do you think that I am still too young? What should I do to gain more experience? And what are the critical points in compositing that I need to master as a beginner?

Thanks for your answers, I hope my english is understandable :rolleyes:

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