Planar Track in Silhouette v4.0
Posted in: Beginners TalkHas anyone had any success using the Planar track tool in Silhouette version 4?
I’ve tried to work with it but has found it problematic – resorting to the one point track tool! You also can’t 2 point track or corner pin with the one point track tool. If anyone has seen any good documentation on this, I’d be glad to see it. The user guide is not very descriptive of any sort.
I’ve got to work in Mocha for the Planars and import back into Silhouette, but I would rather just work in Silhouette alone.
From Cinema4D to — ?!
Posted in: Beginners TalkI’ve been using cinema4D since the last few years, and actually I’m extremely happy with almost everything it has. However, as most of you know, cinema4D is very weak for particles and simulatiıns.
I’ve been in love with Softimage ICE since I saw it, and I always wanted to learn XSI just because of that platform.. BUT, do you think it would be a good swap for me (from cinema4D to Softimage) ? I mostly use 3D for motiongrapgics, but I need simulations and particles as well. Thinking particles (in cinema4D) is not enough to me.
I also would like to ask about simulations. Quite unexpectedly, when I search for any cloth tutorials for XSI, there is almost none ! That really seems weird, and makes me ask this question:
-is XSI good for cloth simulations ?
Or a secondary question
-which platform is the best for cloth ? I’m hearing a lot about maya but.. what about max ? How would you order them from the bet to the worst ? And why ?
Also one final thing. I’ve used max (way before I started using cinema4D) and I’m quite familiar with the interface, frankly, I hate it. BUT when it comes to texhnical solutions, I guess I can stand it if it can handle my needs.. So, the question about max is:
is there any way to control objects (as well as particles) in max with a programmable interface ? (like ice or xpresso in cinema4D)
Also, MOGRAPH.. I’m guessing there is no alternative for that in all those programs to create rich and easy moving elements in all those programs… I just cant imagine what I can do without it.. I will be happy if you can talk about possible solutions instead of keyframing everything manually !
Dynamism is what I need !
doubt reg tracked data
Posted in: Beginners Talki came across a doubt
the point clouds and the camera in my scene is very close to each other
and can we move the point clouds? can we scale it?
could any one set me up and send me the maya file.
I would really appreciate that
It also has a little look inside Double Negative
Compression format question!
Posted in: Beginners TalkWorkshops or Courses for VFX HELP!
Posted in: Beginners Talkhere is the thing, Im having a lot of trouble finding a GOOD VFX schools
Currently im living in Mexico and as you can see here there are no good school for VFX so im trying to take my skills to the next level…
I found VFS as one of the best visual effects schools at vancouver, and Gnomon, i look a little deeper and i found Vanarts which seems pretty decent.
But the tutition for international students is WAY too expensive.
I really want to study at VFS so i started Working for about 6 Months now.
and still $53,000 US dlls as a non graduated career profesional… seems really far away.
I stop studying here in Mexico since they don’t have any visual effect school, only some kind of filmmaking which is really far from what you can call ‘filmmaking’ i found out i learn way more by myself with some tutorials online.
Right now im looking for any good and intensive workshops or courses for VFX
in the united states or canada until i decide where to study.
i will really appreciate any information
i’ve look in ALOT of websites for months, maybe someone can point me at the right direction. i will probably love you the rest of my life.
Andrea Garza
doubt in matchmoving and 3d
Posted in: Beginners TalkI have a 3d fluid setup..
and i have a tracked camera..
now when i look the scene through the tracked camera.3d fluid is very i need to adjust the size of the container so that its visible in the camera.
please let me know
Some random questions :
-Are you happy with the current state of the industry in your area/country?
-Are more projects rising each year…or less (industry activity decreasing)?
-Do you think the demand for skilled people in the industry is rising?