Hired for commercial – need advice

To all the pros here, I have questions for you… if you wouldn’t mind taking the time to answer them.

I have recently gotten hired to do a commercial and need some direction. I am mostly a 3d animator so this is very new to me because I have to do all the 3d, plus the sound effects, the voice overs and the 2d stuf in AE, preferably they say.

1. If you were to have to put together all that, would you use something other than AE? It seems you can’t hear the sound AND watch the video at the same time.

2. I have to do a fizz-like effect. You know how the bubbles start at the bottom and move to the top? I have to do something like that and treat it as a dissolve to the next shot. Any advice on that would be great too. If I have to buy a clip, I will.

3. Well, I thought I had more questions. I think the first question is the most important. I would think I need something better so I can hear the voices and sync everything easier and it seems AE isn’t the best for that… or I’m missing something.

4. Oh.. standard NTSC is 720×486, right? From what I’ve seen, it is… we have an opening clip that is that size and were thinking that’s the way the whole commercial should be.

Thanks a lot.

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