pfTrack advice please..

Hello dear friends. I’m working on a shot right now and I’m really having difficulty match-moving it. It’s actually a camera translation. The last 80% of the shot has match-moved flawless, since it was pretty easy for pftrack to find markers with plenty of parallax, but the beginning of the shot is really faulty.
I’ve tried almost everything:
– as many user features as I could possibly get
– surface constrains for the co-planar features
– even distance constrains for some features I managed to measure when it was shot
– fixed camera focal length (taken when it was shot)
Now, the thing I believe it might work is improving the solution I already have, but constrains won’t do me no more good. So here comes the question (questions actually):
1. How can you improve your solution using primitives?
2. How can you improve your solution using f-curves? What can you modify by hand in the f-curve tab to improve your solution?

And thanks for taking the time at least to look at my questions. :rollbaby:

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