Motion Makes a Masochist

If you’re a professional, remember the bad times. If you’re a student, expect the worst. If you’re a client, go fuck yourself. My coup de grâce graduation film from Ravensbourne. Hopefully it’s not as painful to watch as it was to make. Sound design by Max Greening – Narration by Peter Misch

GTA Online: La Bande-Annonce Trafic d'armes

La production et la distribution des armes illégales débarquent la semaine prochaine dans le sud de San Andreas, mardi 13 Juin dans Trafic d’armes, la toute dernière mise à jour de GTA Online sur PS4, Xbox One et PC.

Fortifiez un bunker souterrain, décimez vos ennemis grâce à un Centre d’Opérations Mobile, faites des ravages avec une flotte de Véhicules Armés et imposez votre style sur le commerce des armes à SA.

Les entreprises de trafic d’armes illégales du sud de San Andreas fleurissent dans Trafic d’armes, une importante nouvelle mise à jour disponible le 13 juin dans GTA Online. Pour plus de détails sur Trafic d’armes, notamment des images des Bunkers Souterrains, des Centres d’Opérations Mobile et des Véhicules Armés, visitez


【SUPER NINTENDO WORLD™】は2層からなるユニークな構造で、「マリオカート」をはじめとする任天堂ゲームの世界を体感できるアトラクションや、レストラン、ショップが集まる壮大なエリア。

Missions – OCS – Bande Annonce Saison 1

Une série crée par Henri Debeurme, Julien Lacombe et Ami Cohen

Réalisé par Julien Lacombe

Produit par Empreinte Digitale

Diffuseur : OCS

Avec : Hélène Viviès, Arben Bajraktaraj, Clément Aubert, Jean-Toussaint Bernard, Giorgia Sinicorni, Adrianna Gradziel, Côme Levin…


CROSSCALL revealed its brand new smartphone TREKKER-X3.
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Caméra extérieure de sécurité qui distingue les personnes, voitures et animaux – Netatmo Presence

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Doctolib – Changez votre quotidien et celui de vos patients

La gestion des rendez-vous médicaux peut être un vrai casse-tête pour les professionnels de santé. Heureusement, il y a Doctolib !

Vous êtes médecin ? Découvrez les nombreux avantages et services de Doctolib qui changeront votre quotidien sur

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Sigfox gives life to the physical world

We are at the dawn of an exciting revolution.
One that will see a deep transformation in our relationship with the world around us.
Following the digital revolution.
Welcome to the digitalisation of the physical world.
A world in which trillions of signals are emitted.
Our mission is to listen to these signals, to capture them, and with the help of our partners, turn them into useful data for our customers.
Why is it important to accelerate this revolution?
Because data is not an end in itself! In our resource-limited world, data’s purpose must be to help us progress while reducing our impact on the planet. The only way to bring about this revolution is to solve complex issues.
We, at Sigfox, have invented simpler ways, to achieve complex things. We power the IoT by using low energy consumption because sometimes, humankind can achieve much more with much less! by giving a voice to the physical world and connecting it to the cloud we are able to make things come alive this is what our mission is all about.

SIGFOX is the world’s leading provider of dedicated connectivity for the Internet of Things. The company’s network complements existing high-bandwidth systems by providing simple, economical, energy-efficient two-way transmission of small quantities of data over long distances, thus lowering barriers to wide implementation of IoT solutions, and greatly extending the battery and service life of connected devices. Currently deployed or being rolled out in 24 countries and registering over 7 million devices in its network, SIGFOX is today the only commercially available IoT-dedicated connectivity solution that guarantees a high level of service and reliability on an international scale. Corporate headquarters are in France, and the company has offices in Boston, Dubai, Madrid, Munich, San Francisco and Singapore. For more information, see and follow us on Twitter @SIGFOX.

Autonomous Vehicle Cognition Through Localization in 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF)

In order to drive autonomously, vehicles need cognition (processes used to judge, plan, acquire knowledge, think, and etc). They must be able to understand what is around them. This context can be obtained in the form of a machine-readable, semantic map. Detailed 3D semantic maps, also commonly known as “HD maps,” have become the industry-wide standard for self-driving cars.

Even so, a 3D map is of no use to a vehicle without precise localization, the ability to position itself on the map. Like humans intending to go somewhere, the vehicle needs to know where it is before it can follow a path. Moreover, while this new generation of 3D maps is far more comprehensive, it is not actually sufficient for achieving Level Four (SAE) autonomous driving, where the human driver has no responsibilities towards control. Self-driving cars need much more in the form of cognitive tools to aid in decision-making.

To address this knowledge gap, we have developed techniques for localizing a vehicle in six degrees of freedom (6DoF). The concept video here shows the result of combining our highly detailed, 3D semantic map with localization in 6DoF (also referred to as 6D). Through localization in this manner, the car is given an additional layer of assistive map information. It can use this information to make smarter decisions and to drive safely. With both location and orientation from 6DoF, the vehicle can focus its sensors (foveation) towards a particular region in space, where a need-to-know action is occurring in the car’s environment.

For more information, please visit
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