Learn all types of software easily!

Hey guys, I’ve put together a website with thousands of videos for learning software so that beginners can have a chance at success. For the experts out there, you guys can even check the site out to find ideas for your next projects. Videos are added everyday and software includes Adobe After Effects, Adobe DreamWeaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Cinema 4D, and even Sony Vegas. I know that the world of software is huge and so I hope that I can help those that want to learn or improve their VFX and web designing skills.
Check it out and tell me what you guys think! Thanks!

Project idea compilations and video tutorials

Hey guys, I’ve put together a website with thousands of videos for learning software so that beginners can have a chance at success. For the experts out there, you guys can even check the site out to find ideas for your next projects. Videos are added everyday and software includes Adobe After Effects, Adobe DreamWeaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Cinema 4D, and even Sony Vegas.
Check it out and tell me what you guys think! Thanks!

Whither From Above-Sci Fi Short

Who creates LUT for a movie ?


Who creates the LUT for a movie ?

How is LUT different from color correction ?

Confusion about demoreel..

Hello all,
I m recently done with my first demoreel but i m not satisfied with that…i m gonna work on another demoreel…so, i want some suggestions that what should i add to make my reel more interesting and professional…..plz give me suggestions to make my demoreel worth watching….:rolleyes:

feel free to comments….thanks…

Please Visit and Write what you think about my works…

Low-Budget Music Video needs VFX work

Dear Artists,

We are currently seeking a vfx artist to help compose a few shots on a low budget music video. The shots we are looking for involve our actor looking into a mirror and seeing a distorted disfiguration in his reflection. Sort of like a fun house mirror but worse, almost frightening as the scene symbolizes the realization of this character’s having become a monster, which prompts him to change his ways.

Another shot we are looking for work on is the same character, close up on his eyes with what should look like fire embers and sparks in his pupils.

Finally, on the same close up shot of this character’s eyes, the reflection of an angel in one eye, and a demon in the other. We won’t need any illustration or animation as we’ll shoot these images on set.

Our budget is very meager so we are open to artists of all skill levels but will be operating on a tight deadline, expected delivery will likely be two weeks from the date we submit the files for your work. We will be shooting on RED MX.

We have a budget of three-hundred dollars, please respond if you are able to provide the work within this range. Thank you!

Stefan Anderson

VFX Reel (Cinema 4D & AE)

First Demo Reel I’ve made. Please give feedback.

How could I do this effect?

Im trying to replace an arm with a sword (i.e. Terminator 2) or a Gun (i.e. Evil Dead)

I saw in Grindhouse Robert Rodriguez placed a large green sock over Rose Mcgowan’s leg for the machine gun and then animated over it.

Could I do something similar for this? What program would be best to use, Maya or Cinema 4D?

Any advice?

When sending out your showreel…

is there an "ideal" way to send it?

What I mean is aside from making sure your name and contact details are written in permanent ink on the the DVD. Do you send DVDs in one of those standard DVD cases, a CD jewel case or just a plain old plastic sleeve?

Do employers have a preference for how things are sent to make their lives a bit easier?

Oh and I’m in the process of sending reels out to places in London and the rest of the UK at the moment.