Destiny – CGI teaser
Posted in: Your NewsAfter 117 days working 2 hours a day between march and July, doing simultaneously advertisement works in Tribbo Post, we just finished this 1"58 minutes teaser.
This first part of this project was done by the hard work of Ivan Kisil Miskalo, Bruno Camara and Luiz Matta, who put their effort daily with much love.
We also had the amazing original sound track and sound design created by Vitor Kisil, who add an epic mood to the teaser.
2015, a time when humanity runs without a steer.
The anxiousness, power and fear mix together with all other feelings, in
one grows up a strong feeling that something very bad is about to happen.
The anguish doesnt give it time to reflect about witch way is the right
one, theres no way to protect, cause good thoughts are consider
Since the beginning of times all the sins spread out by humanity
devastating the whole world.
Gluttony, greed, envy, wrath, pride, extravagance, and acedia, the sins
human kind has never get under control and throughout many centuries has
been feeding and growing the rise of a great evil.
A last sin, a last desire
by proof its consequences, ones has come to
time to meet the unknown.
Theres no more control and no more freewill, our chances are doomed to