Morgan Griffiths – demo reel for critique

Hey Everyone,

I’ve been a long time lurker on the forums here, and thought I would submit my reel for comments and critique.

A little background on me:
I graduated from FullSail in November ’07 and moved up to NYC to try and find work. Job opportunities were pretty few and far between, but I was eventually able to find some work. After my last job ended, and was unsuccessful finding anything new, I decided to pack up and move to LA.
Which brings me here, looking for advice/critiques on my reel in hopes of making it good enough to land an entry level job.

Also, another thing I was wondering: It is better to drop off your reel in person or via email? Is stopping by a studio generally frowned upon or could it make the difference that gets you the job?

Thanks for looking, any comments are greatly appreciated.


Larger resolution versions can be had here:


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	reel_thumb.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	15.9 KB
ID:	7858

N.A.S.A.: A Volta

Vi avevamo già parlato del progetto musicale N.A.S.A. (North America / South America) del produttore/DJ americano Sam Spiegel/Squeak E. Clean insieme al dj brasiliano Ze Gonzales/Zegon in occasione del primo video.

Presentiamo ora il terzo video, “A Volta”, animato/diretto dallo studio Logan lavorando sul materiale artistico dei The Date Farmers: duo californiano composto da Carlos Ramirez e Armando Lerma: i quali per le loro opere (dipinti, sculture, collages) si ispirano all’arte indigena, ai murales/graffiti messicani, ai manifesti rivoluzionari, all’arte delle prigioni, ai tatuaggi, mischiandoli a marchi aziendali, a personaggi dei fumetti, ad animali del deserto o a materiale trovato.

Logan è uno studio che si occupa di design, della produzione e post-produzione di spot pubblicitari, video musicali e contenuto per i videogiochi.

Non perdetevi il divertente finto making of.

Brano: N.A.S.A. featuring Sizzla, Amanda Blank, & Lovefoxxx

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

Director: Logan
Animation: Logan
Original Artwork: The Date Farmers

The Making of A VOLTA: Logan / Date Farmers / NASA Project

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele

2012 Trailer

The trailer for Roland Emmerich’s next film 2012 has been released – Link

AE Displacement, Nuke?


There are a couple of Effects in After Effects that I like to know about their equivalent in Nuke..
for instance the Displacement effect in AE .. what is it’ equivalent in Nuke?
or also cholorama.. ??

thank you in advance


A new tool that let’s you psychoanalyze anyone with a Twitter username.

Maya 2009 render passes and compositing

My Company switched to 2009 a few weeks back…and theres been advantages and disadvantages as usual with a package upgrade. Im trying to get my head around all the new presets. I am my company’s main compositor and so I usually need to be a part of the rendering process….explaining what I need to comp, and why. I understood 2008 perfectly, but 2009 has made things a bit convoluted….at least to me. And I believe that some of these new presets will help me to further advance our pipeline.

Is there a resource that you guys know of that comprehensively explains these pass presets, and how to use them? Most things Ive seen explain basic diffuse, spec ,beauty, AO etc….this is stuff I already know and get….but some of these other passes I have less experience…
Volume, irradiance, all of these new normal passes, coverage etc. Ive seen the definitions of all of them in the help file, but no examples of what they should look like or how to use them. Ive been compositing for about 6 years now, but only in the last year have I REALLY been compositing heavy CG stuff(Product work for advertising)…..and Id like to step up my knowledge and expertise. Sorry to be so long winded…..:D

Separating interviewee from static background

I have several filmed interviews made with a locked-off camera and need to separate the interviewee (foreground) from the background, so that I can reduce background levels, defocus, etc. I’ve done this laboriously for some shots using a combination of roto, luma keying and even chroma keying, i.e.…ip-camera.aspx
but I’m wondering whether I’m missing a more obvious and less laborious way.

The interviewee is nearly always moving to some degree, and I’ve wondered whether difference matting would be an idea (I’ve tried basic difference matting, and it didn’t seem to work that great).


Z slice and Z blur Problem.

Hello Compositors,
I am currently working on a short project.I rendered Z depth and other needed passes.Then i went to Nuke for compositing.I just want to add a lens blur to my footage using the z depth pass. I googled and searched a lot of forums but not got the way to to it in Nuke. Kindly please help me.Thanks

dual monitors….

hey everyone, newbie question 😀

I have been seeing some people using more than one monitor, i was wondering well… WHY? lol
Thanks i appreciate it!

Footage looks brighter in AE

I have a quicktime (animation) which I’m simply converting to a .png sequence (8 bit, no compression, default color space) in Nuke.

When I bring the .png sequence and the original quicktime into AE, the .png sequence is brighter.
