Automatic Slap Comp

Hey guys,
We’re currently working on a TV show with CG characters and live action plates. I was wondering how we can make the slap-comp process automated.
for example, When the lighting department is done, we just want to see quick slap comps of the characters on top of the plates (A over B) before compers actually start working on the shots.
Is it possible to write a quick script to grab all the files from folder "A" and put it over all the files from folder "B" and write out a new sequence under folder "C"?
thanks in advance…

VFX Production Coordinators

A London based studio is currently looking for Production Coordinators for their Broadcast VFX department.

Successful candidates must have previous vfx industry experience working in a film or broadcast TV environment. Good knowledge of 3D and 2D processes and workflow is required.

Key responsibilities are scheduling and coordinating the flow of work and communication between artists and production.

closes: 30 Jun 2009

DOF problem

Hi there.

I’m using AE with frischluft lenscare, to create good and realistic dof.

I have a render (c4d) with a depth pass. In my render I have some foreground elements, some focus elements and some background elements.
When I render my file, and use frischluft and depth pass to create the DOF, some forground elemnts’ edges create some artefacts, like… dots and noise.

How can I prevent this happening ?

Video Challenge

Something a bit different for all of you, a video challenge. Although something not necessarily becoming of VFX talk, as there weren’t any visual effects in it!

I can’t say how it was done, but there are lots of clues in the video and there will be a making of video in a few weeks time

Is it possible to make a node pipe out text to .shk script

I want to have a node that does this:

echo "Some text here" >> theCurrentShakeScript.shk

When opening the shake script the last lines should look like this:


    "vDesk.0.xliderValue", "0",
    "vDesk.0.y", "0",
    "vDesk.0.yPan", "-454",
    "vDesk.0.zoom", "1.53427172",
    "vDesk.viewers", "1"

// Some text here

Or even better, if the above is possible, I’d like the "Some text here" to be created in the first line of the .shk file

Jump over car composition! Feedback please:)

Hey Everyone!
I made a really short viral video (35 sec). In this video you see a guy jumping over a moving car.

I know it’s not a perfect composition, but I was wonderring if I could get some good feedback on how to improve the realism of my clip.

Please check it out and let me hear your thoughts!

Thanks a lot!

Ian Hunter on Dark Knight

Video of presentation by New Deal Studio’s Ian Hunter, who talks about practical and digital visual effects with examples from The Dark Knight.

From the Hoop: Full movie

We posted the trailer for From the Hoop several months ago … and now the full film is online. Fantastic design, animation and direction from three Supinfocom Arles students; Anthony Arnoux, Remi Dessignes and Guillaume Fesquet. Watch in HD on Vimeo (loving Vimeo!).

Enrico Lambiase

Nice reel and motion work from London based VFX artist Enrico Lambiase.

Netdiver : Artists and their Apps

Netdiver’s 10yr Special Issue #1. Part of their anniversary bash, they invited special content scouts to contribute 10 project reviews on the topic of their choice and do a 3 question based mini-interview.
Presenting the first in the series: Artists and their Apps by Doc Woohoo!