I did this commercial a while ago and I’d like to ask for your feedback, please.
Showreel_2010 from Denis Volkov on Vimeo.
Hello there, i’m a final year student in film production. my final year project is about ‘Digital Compositing’ techniques and tools. one of my objectives to produce a sample of compositing work, and get my work evaluated by experts. would you guys please help me with that. could you answer the questions below and if possible i would like some information about digital compositing, different methods and of doing it, e.g blending modes.
1. How well the Camera Tracking been done? 2. How well the Keying been done? 3. How well the tracking of fire been done? 4. How well the other added elements been done? 5. Does the compositing work looks convincing or real ? YOU CAN ADD ANY OTHER QUESTIONS YA MAN. THANKS
This is the link to my portfolio:
I currently live in Toronto, Canada and I am seeking a job in Film and TV industry.
Critiques and suggestion are welcome!
My name is Brendan Rogan, and I am solely into vfx and compositing.
I’m not really posting this for a critique, I just wanted to show off my work, but if you feel like you want to give some advice then feel free.
Thank you for viewing!
Criticism and Suggestions are welcome!!!
Sorry for the duplicate threads, the first one had the message deleted.