Realwave Whirlpool

I know that it is possible to create wihrlpools with realflow; but; is it possible to do it with realwave oly (without te use of particles, and just by using "realwave" itself)

I thought that can be made but -was- unable to find a proper solution.

Soo, lets share some ideas.

Looking for Rotoscoping Solution

Hey everyone
I am currently working on a short clip that requires me to rotoscope an actor out of the footage. I am am using after effects and a wacom tablet. I am finding it just a little tedious having to move each point for every frame(i know thats what rotoscoping basically is but i have heard a lot of poeple saying AE isnt all that great at it). What i want to do is be able to draw a new mask every frame. Because the first frame has a great looking mask that was drawn with the tablet and i wanted to just be able to do that for every frame, not move the points. Is there a program out there that can achieve this?or is not even possible? Oh and i also tried a filmstrip in photoshop and erasing the background but that is worse:(
Thanks in advance

Another water (waves) question

Hi there.

Here is a movie (great) created by maya and realflow

at the first scene, there are waves.

I tried to get a similar effect with realflow (realwave) but it seems that it either has VERY high subdivision (just look at how sharp it looks !) or it’s being donw with some other technique.

To be honest, I do not believe the subdivision lie.

How can this be made ?

I messaged the author and got "realflow and maya" reply.

I’m using c4d normally.

Face Morphing


I’m learning how to use Nuke and I’m working on a project that requires some face morphing (static 2d images).

Does anyone know of any Nuke tutorials for face morphing? I’ve checked online and haven’t found anything except for a Shake tutorial:…o-tutorial.php

Any help would be appreciated!


Who does what?

Hi, ive been doing some research into visualy effects in film and it seems to be an area i would really like to move into. I have a basic understanding of the relevant roles but i was wondering if someone could help by defining all the different positions that are available in film vfx today (i.e rotoscope artist, compositior, matchmover etc) and also what the people in these positions would be responsible for? My interest currently lies in Particle/ fluid effects, is there a position soley for this or does it come under a more general position like 3d Artist or compositor?


How is this created ?

Hi there.

I’ve seen thisw video; about the making of the short called "steel life"

please check the 00:18, the grayscale 2d fluid simulation.
One scene later, we can see it in 3d.

How do you think this is created ?

How can I achieve this result ?

I’m waiting for replies, thank you.

FXPHD Question

I hope someone would give me some insight into this…I’m very new to VFX but I’m a digital artist, specializing in digital photoshop imagery. I’m also a storyboard/comic artist with some 3D knowledge with Lightwave. I want to migrate towards being a compositor but I can’t spare the time to attend a full time institute to learn what I need to know so I was wondering, would FXPHD give me the necessary training/demo reel/experience for VFX houses to seriously consider my application as a compositor? Any advice and personal experiences would help. Thanks!

Motion Blur for wheels

I’m working on my final demo reel and I have a car that’s driving fast. I need to add motion blur to the wheels. I thought that just rendering motion blur on the beauty pass for the wheel would be it but it didn’t work. What would be the best and fastest way to do this?

This is in Maya 2008.

Thanks for help in advance!

AE font problem

Is there a way to effectively use pixel fonts and have them maintain their clarity? I cant seem to find AE’s anti-alias feature. what i mean is that edges of my font are pixelated Any info appreciated.

thanks guys

hello buddies need help please [compositing workflow?]

hi vfxtalkers….i am quite new to compositing ..i just wanted to know what is the basic workflow which is used to merge,intergrate,composite.a CG charachter in a shot.
i know we do match moving tracking and all that stuff..but i what ORDER ?….
i will be very pleased if this confusion gets clear…thank a lot:)