I’m planning to specialise in dynamics..so ur suggestions would be really helpful…
Dynamics in games ?
Posted in: Beginners TalkWrong DPX ? searching for truth
Posted in: Beginners TalkI’m working in small company. We are doing restoration of old movies.
At the begining we worked on 720×576 files.
But now we’ll work with 2K dpx files.
Some work we doing in Fusion.
But DPX files we get from scanner look odd.
I have read about internal structure of dpx file here
Our dpx files have field "Transfer" (byte at offset 801) set to 01 (Printing density).
Is it the same if it was set to 03 (Logarithmic) ?
If I bring these files to Fusion, it automatically applys LogToLin conversion in loader.
I also enable viewer LUT and set it to 2,2 to compensate monitor’s nonlinearity.
Is it normal thing that picture has blown out highlights? highlights also have strange blue-green noise. Most of the white color is overbright.
And whole picture become very grainy.
I don’t think that this is how good picture must look like.
Get the same result if put files to the Nuke.
If it’s ok, then what is the reason of such highlights?
My question is how "right" picture must looks like?
I think it is possible there is something wrong at scanning stage. Some wrong settings maybe.
Without LogToLin and with LUT turned off, files look better.
Advice from experienced people needed.
May be someone can send me example of DPX or CIN you work with? or show it here. Please.
Some examples
Last two pictures I made from DPX file given to me by some vfx guy. He said "don’t worry about highlights". :rolleyes:
Sorry for my bad english
How to use Boujou tracks in Fusion
Posted in: Beginners TalkSo basically what I found in the Fusion forum was a link to a video tutorial of how to use Boujou tracks in Fusion, but this was in Fusion 5 I believe. I use Fusion 6, and the method shown in the video does not work for me, here is a quote from the original thread:
Originally Posted by taz0x
(Post 119216) Quote:
I downloaded the videos from your Skydrive and took a look at them. i mainly use Fusion 6 at the moment for my school and I noticed that in the step where the guy says to turn on the Light view, it should overlay your clean plate on top of the original plate. though it’s not doing that for me, instead it’s just giving me this plate that is light by some sort of light and the image plane becomes black (and my actual clean plate i want to use is BEHIND the image plane). this is what happens when i put the Light on Merge3D: http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/9332/ieimage.png so what am i doing wrong here? or is it because the version used in the video is older it does different things? |
I am hoping someone here can be knowledgeable regarding this topic. Thank you in advance.
Fill object giving a hard time
Posted in: Beginners TalkI have been trying to fill a human model with liquid. I just need one frame of mesh for my project but the problem is tat
1) wen i use fill object it doesn’t fill the whole model, it fills it in parts, no matter wat i do with the resolution(500) or number of particles(8000000) it stays tat way. I even tried decreasing the scale but then it doesn’t fill the object at all.
2)another thing i tried was to fill the object in Maya & then import it in Realflow & then create a mesh but then wat happens is it takes hell lot of a time to create the mesh & the created mesh in no way happens to fill the human body it bcums much larger than the model. which still can be handled to an extent if i get to create the mesh tat stays inside the model.
Please any kind of help wud be appreciated. I am trying to get the effect of the torch man from the fantastic 4. Suggestions welcomed.
Dreamworks/Rhythm n Hues/Pixar
Posted in: Beginners TalkI have been to several sites n looked up for these questions but the links that were given as a response to questions did not work for me …..So im really confused …..
Please help…..
What To Include In My VFX DemoReel
Posted in: Beginners TalkSoftware I know: Photoshop,Maya,3dsmax,Realflow,Fusion,PFTrack and plugins for maya like BlastCode.
I am Pretty good at producing realistic renders and strong eye for compositing huge number of render layers and also an intermediate at fluid simulations in realflow and tracking in PF Track…
What sort of VFX demoreels will land us a job.
:freezing:Please Help!!!:freezing:
Chrome Render Passes
Posted in: Beginners TalkI was wondering if anyone could offer me some help.
I am just learning about render passes for a project in which I want to composite a rendered image (of a bike) into a photograph. I have set up some image based lighting and also used an hdr image for reflections.
When I render out the passes for the chrome material something goes wrong when I try to composite them together. The three passes I am using are, diffuse, specular and reflection.
The diffuse pass is pure white, which I think might be causing an issue. I have tried many different methods of merging them, tried multiplying the reflection and the specular together and then adding this to the diffuse. Also tried adding them all together.
For some reason I cant get the reflections to show up correctly, I am missing a pass or doing something wrong?
Many thanks.
I want to motion blur the maya render in fusion via RSMB
I m rendering Maya mv2DNormRemap motion blur pass as .iff filez with displace value of 512.
Its not getting the accurate motion blur in fusion with RSMB plugin.
The cylinders in the image are not moving at all. only hammer is moving in the scene.
i m following the Technique described
Plz Chek Attached thumbails & Basic renders.
Is there other way to produce motion blur???