reduce faces in maya ??

i downloaded a 3d model with MANY many faces so whenever i grab a face and move,scale or animate it maya becomes so (drive me mad ) SLOW !! so how can i reduce the number of faces for this model ???

Fusion keying

Dear friends,

am a fresher in fusion. Now am doing my first compositing work. There am using one bg and one with green screen footage. After using discrete keyer, i merged both footages using a merge node. After if i scaled, the bg is moving with the keyed footage like a mask !
May be this is a simple problem. But i cant solve it . Anybody can please help me out ?

A simple question in maya !

i’m new to maya and new to bringing a cgi object to a live action footage……………so i learnt how to track motion (using boujou) and did ma first render and that worked well..BUT ma question is how can put my 3d model behind something in ma footage…i dnt know if someone uses particle illusion but init if u want to put an emitter behind somethin in ur footage u mask that thig using a tool called blocker so….in maya how can i put my 3d model behind something (not a 3d model NO…but something that is present into ma live action footage) ???

E.G :

i wanna put a model of a 3d tower behind a building in ma footage so the lower part of the tower doesn’t appear (behind the building) and the higher part is appearing


Which 3d software to choose ?

Hi, I’m a beginner in 3d animation. And I dunno which software to choose… 🙁 And I need a program that is obviously good and has a lot of tutorials on the internet ??? So, which program will be best for meh.. ??

Day to night…

Hey guys so here’s a jpg from footage i wanted to convert from day to night…

I followed a thread which lead me to this..

Now i would like to know if I could make this look better or if i m lacking somewhere…

Thanks 🙂

i’m a beginner amd here’s my (very basic) question in maya !!

actually i’m new at using maya 2011 so ….. i downloaded a bunch of already rendered 3d models (obj and 3ds) but what i always see is a wire frame or a mesh but where is the material (they call it texture right ??) E.G… i downloaded an obj dinosaur from a site and saw some gr8 screen shots for it on the site but imported in maya i only see it’s mesh (as if it is a skeleton) so how can i see the model’s material (which would shape the dinosaur’s flesh) ?? i know it’s a very basic (may be …stupid) quesstion but it’s beginners’ talk right ;D

thx in advance

Clean Plates understand

I’m not Understand Plates clean.

I need to shoot 2 times the same scene, an actor with and one without it to be clean my plate?

Would be better for green screen shoot first screen only without the actor, and then one more shot with the actor?

What is the real use of clean Plates?


1st VFX Shot

Hey 🙂 !

I have been reading this forum for quite a while now and really appreciate all your efforts helping us first-timers out.

Awesome community I haven’t seen for a while. Plz keep on going…

To cut a long story short I’ll just explain why I started this thread.

We (five film students from Austria/Europe) are actually planning our first VFX shot. We are having experience in film, 3D (Maya / 3DSM) and AE.

To get to the next level – we would now love to get more into compositing and VFX in general.

After writing the script, making the storyboard, working through some moods/references and reading into some lecture like "Digital Compositing For Film And Video – Steve Wright", "The DV Rebel’s Guide – Stu Maschwitz" and "Matchmoving: The Invisible Art Of Camera Tracking – Tim Dobbert" we actually reached a point where we would love to get some first hand advice about what we should take care about.

First of all – we are working on a night scene where a car (with people inside) is slow-mo crashing into a tree on a lonely street through the wood.

Some reference videos we found through our research are here:

I also attached our "storyboard" (but don’t expect to much, it’s more like a shotlist 😀 )

As you can hopefully see we have several shots – some inside the car, some outside. If possible, only the car and it’s accident should be CG.

Sooo…back to my question. Is there some kind of a procedure we could follow? Hope those question aren’t that stupid and to basic at all 😮 .

1 Should we film the empty street and later composite the CG car onto it?

2 How about the actors sitting inside? Should we use greenscreen windows and make the moving environment outside the car later? (for example storyboard nr 1 & 6)

3 Where to place the tracking marks best for the matchmove of the moving camera?

4 How many tracking marks are usually necessary?

5 What would be the easiest way to get a smooth camera movement of the driving car? (storyboard nr 1, 3 and 4)

6 Does anyone have some suggestions which plugins (especially for 3DS) we could use to simulate the crash and the car deformation best (cloth, reactor,…) ? Or is it even better to make a car rig for the deformations and animate it by hand?
How about the particles in it? Something like the Rayfire Tool or Blastcode?

7 My last question. Which compositing software would you recommend beginners to start with? Nuke, Fusion, …? I did read a lot of topics about them around here but I am still not that sure which one to choose and give a try for such a shot.

No matter what – I appreciate every advice you could give and point us in the right direction.

Thx 🙂 !

Liebe Grüße,

Btw: Sorry for my bad english

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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ID:	10225

Any possibility of attaching camera or obj to path in nuke ?

Any possibility of attaching camera or 3d objects to path made by bezier in nuke ?

i’m a beginner and i seriously need HELP !!

actually i’m a complete beginner BUT i am a master in learning
(learnt photoshop cs 3 without any help or tutorials just in 12 days
the same with power point but 20 days and particle illusion took a month ) i know that they r easy to learn but while i was 9–>13 those weren’t easy and nw i’m learning aftereffects BUT (i’ll use some real simple words cuz as i said i’m a beginner) what immersed me into compositng is that in aftereffects i can bring a png 2d image on a transperent layer and put it into a live action footage (avi) so i could put a 2d png space ship into my street and make it move so i wanted to put a 3d space ship model into my street and make it move,rotate (and if possibel animating it ..itself) and i discovered that this process is called compositing. so i was told that this process can’t be achieved using after effects so what software should i use ?? and plz don’t say complicated things cuz i don’t know (understand) what is node based and what is layer based !! all i know is that i want to put a cgi 3d model into a live action scene and make it move ?? i have autodesk combustion 2008 does this work ?? and if yes then plz give me a compositing tutorial if not then reccommend me a software but plz put in mind that i have a nvidia ge-force 5200 video card …………..plz correct any wrong information i said !! any help will be appreciatd BTW that’s my first post in that perfect forum ;D