Needing Some Career Advice

Hey all!

I’m new to the boards, so apologies for the big post, but I’ve been trying to gather professional advice on certain career choices. I’m 24, and I’ve been doing a lot of research lately, trying to assess what I want to do.

I’ve always been drawn to 3D in both art and programming, but I’m not sure what the ‘artistic’ pre-requisites are, and I have a mix of other skills, so I’m wondering what my best path would be for movie/game industry.

To make it simple, this is what experience I do have (apologies if it looks like a CV, I’m just trying to illustrate a skillset):

Writing: strongest skill, have published numerous novelettes online and negotiating a book contract
Programming: day-time job & degree (C# UI development), also strong. Did graphics in OpenGL
Maya: fair. Did my uni project with it, focusing on MEL. Have been doing tutorials…etc mainly in animation and a little rendering
Visual arts: weak. I have basic drawing (self-taught landscape drawing but no human anatomy), very basic Photoshop

Now, I have a 9 hour programming day, which leaves me with about seven hours of real free time. Four of those already go into writing, which leaves me with three hours a day of self-learning. I’m very interested in either animation or visual effects, and considering compositing. My thoughts:

Animation: weak drawing skills: how much will this hurt me? I keep hearing it’s fundamental for modeling. How about animating?
Since I only have three hours a day, learning visual arts and Maya would take a long time. On the flip side, I’d love to eventually combine an art role with writing experience and move into design.
VFX: seems like programming experience would help with MEL programming and RenderMan in particular. Again, speculation given it’s C-based syntax.
Compositing: again, not sure what artistic background is needed, though of the three I think this is the one I’m least enthusiastic about.

To make a long story short (for whomever is still awake), I’d love to get into animation, but I’m not sure if three hours a day.

I’m enthusiastic and determined to put those three hours a day in (and more on w/end), religiously, and I know I have the discipline for it because I’ve sustained it with my writing schedule. I’ve looked into training programs like Escape (I live in London) and considered doing one-two years self-taught, and then drop the C# job and start the training course. If I get a job, I would then be able to focus on animation/VFX full time.

My question for you guys, then, is whether you think animation is a viable route for me, or if you think I’m ‘blatantly suited for VFX programming’ or maybe should just stick to my day job and writing and stop writing wall-sized posts. 🙂

All advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!



Hi friends ,
how can i create a good crowd multiplication work for my Demo. I dont have idea for creating such a scene. I heared about Massive called software used in lot of movies for making a such comp. How can i update on crowd multiplication .

please help me . .. . ..

composting help


i hve a still image of a road…i want to run a cg car in that wht is the right way….plz suggest me.

Self Taught? Need help

Hi guys i am interested in motion design and vfx. But where i live there are no schools only online like gnomon digital tutors and fxphd. Planing to spent some serious money to educate my self by baying tutorials. I would like to become motion designer by summer 2011 that is my plan right now i found my self shity ass job that only pays for rent and food but gives me time to educate my self. I am planing to structure my entire year and a half like a normal school.

I will teach my self Cinema 4d After effects, real flow and since i have interest in vfx i would like to know Houdini and nuke and i know that every software has its learning curve specially Houdini. My question is this am i trying to do to much here? if i try to do to much here will it bite me in the ass and burn me out. Or should i just concentrate on one area such as motion design, Cinema 4d and AF. What do you guys think? Are any foy you self thought and how did you approach it? I am thinking should i drop Nuke since i am learning AF all ready or i should know both of them?

Thanks guys for your help.

some help here plz !!

how does someone makes a simulation of a huge (monster,tsunami) wave (water) ?? an animated wave that can hit things or something !!! all i have is maya,after effects,photoshop,nuke,particle illusion ??
so confused and don’t know what should i do and where to begin ?? anyideas ? BAsics ? or something ?

thx in advance guys …… u r the best 😉

3dtracking mayalive,fusion help

Hi there…. working with mayalive as my tracker..goes well… want to know how i can export the 3d track data and then use it in fusion,,

i tried selecting all the rack points in mayalive , then did a export selection optin(fbx), then imported in fusion using the fbxmesh3d node but wen i connect this node to merge3d fusion crashes :(… am i doing this the correct way??? help help!!!!!

fusion 6
Mayalive 2009

Spec Commercial – VFX Advice

I’m planning on shooting a spec commercial this next month set at the SETI institute. Think the stereotypical image of the big brick buildings and then fields of giant parabolic dishes pointed at the sky.

So basically, I can’t actually shoot on location, so I’m trying to figure out doable ways to fake it given my budget (or lack thereof) and my own skill level. My first thought would be to find some brick administrative buildings to shoot at, then use matte paintings to add the parabolic dishes, etc. So I guess, technically, we’re talking set extension (or modification?) here.

Also, the spec involves a spacecraft hovering overhead, i.e. independence day. I have three actors and am planning on shooting them from behind to get the reveal of the ship.

I was wondering if anyone has any advice as far as setting up the shots and such in production, considering the VFX that will be needed? Obviously, a lot of it will depend on which location I can find, but I was wondering if it would be easier to do green screen in front of the actors and create a new background as a whole (Including the ship) or to film the background as is, roto my actors and composite in the ship?

What can I do to make it easier on the VFX end in post?

Thanks in Advance!

how to edit home video

i have a question.
how to edit some home videos… & make a cool video clip out of it?
it’s a real jerky video… very amateur …

premult, unpremult and shuffle

hello everyone,
that’s my first thread here.
I started a compositing course at escape studios just 3 weeks ago. I find it really interesting even though a bit tough as it’s the first experience for me.
In particular, I didn’t understand when and why we use premult and unpremult and the lesson about the shuffle.
can anyone out there help me?

3D artist looking for advice/direction

I have trolled these forums for some time and I am still (slowly) learning some stuff as my free time allows.

I am a Maya 3D artist working in the gaming industry with some game titles under my belt (albeit low production ones, but published work).

I have dabbled with some compositing software over the years and have a copy of Shake on my Mac.

I read that I need to know the basics of rotoscoping and match moving to find an entry level position in VFX, and I got a copy of Mocha which I have been going through.

But I read matchmoving is more of a entry role from a 3D artists side, so I started doing research in that. I read that a few of the programs like PfTrack or SyntEyes or Bojou are a good one, but I know Maya Matchmover came out with 2010.

Since its an Autodesk software that I am familiar with the flow and UI and toolsets, should I lean more towards that, or get something like SynthEyes and embrace that?

I understand too that MatchMoving is to track the footage to export the data and have that to make the 3D art work so they exist on the same "planes", but can’t this be done with Mocha?

Just looking for advice to see if I am headed the right way and making the right decisions. I know Shake is no more, but I have it and learning the fundamentals and nodes seems like it would still be a msart move until I get into Nuke or Fusion.

I used AE in school ,but it has been some time since I used that. I do have AE CS3 at work so I could use that.

Any help is appreciated.

Matt –