Preparing DV Footage for Keying…Tips?

I’ll be shooting green screen footage with a Canon XL2 soon. The one common factor I’m hearing is that DV is not good for compositing

Unfortunately, unless a new camera is going to drop out of the sky before I shoot, I’ll have to make the best of it.

My question is this:

Is there a checklist of things you can do to DV footage in post (before you begin keying) that will make it more user friendly? Things to help reduce noise/artifacts or some how improve on the low sampling issues of the DV codec?


pyQT for Maya 2011

Hello folks,

Someone please explain how to get install pyQt for Maya 2011 in 64 bit Ubuntu and Windows7. I googled it, there are some tutorials over there. But I couldn’t follow them practically. Please share your experience.


Reg live action shot

hi i am planning to create a live action effect shot using maya and boujou.

I have shot the footage in canon powershot dig cam with manual focus with no zoom or dolly

now im struck about how to use hdri necessary for live action shot
If its necessary,i dont have a chrome ball.Could you tell me the other way to capture hdri

What is the best way to render/animate fast moving wheels

Hi im making a few tests of fast moving car along a road and can get most motion blur techniques to blur everything acceptably apart from the wheels. The techniques I have tried so far are Mentalray No deformation, mr full deformation, mip_motionblur. Mentalray full deformation gives best results on wheels but takes way to long and for the amount of frames I want to render and it tens to flatten the reflection properties of the material to much.
How do you guys go about achieving photoreal motion blur for this type of shot without it looking nasty?

Newbie! Boy, do I feel lost!

Hi All!
I am new to the compositing world. For 10 years I have been a graphic designer in print production, now I have a new job for the movies as a compositor. I am trying to learn Fusion and Nuke. But scared to learn them at the same time due to confusion. They are training me a little, but I need more info to research on my own. Ay pointers, thoughts, books, etc?


What render passes do I need to have full controlover the look of smoke in post?

Hi im trying to figure out what passes I need to render out of my 3d app to create and composite realistic smoke into a rendered animation im making. Im not thinking of the basic beauty and alpha channel, im thinking passes that will give me full control over the look of the smoke in post. I have been watching some Digital domain VFX breakdowns and it seems they are rendering out what looks like RGB passes, motion vectors and probably many more advanced data type passes to give the compostiers full control over the look of the smoke in there compositing app.
When looking at various VFX breakdowns it seems that hardly any FX passes have beauty type renders, is this observation true? are most FX passes mainly data based? It would be great to get some feedback on this..

parent in fusion

hi friends,

please tell me how to parent the scale value or rotation value of an image to another image in fusion. ?????
(In maya maya we can press P button OR combustion we can fix the target option)

Career In VFX

Hello Good People.
I’m 20 and I’m from India. Since Childhood i was fascinated by the high end Visual Effects used in the Movies. I always wanted to be a visual effect artist.
I love computers and i believe I’m pretty good at understanding softwares.

I was looking for a good college for VFX + 3D training and my search ended on VFS but the fees was way too high for me pay – I’m not that financially strong.

So i have decided to study in India itself. The quality of work produced here isn’t that good but they say it’s not the schools it’s the greed of learning new things makes one a good animator.

All schools here are offering nothing but bunch of softwares packed into an year of learning and that’s what is confusing me. None of them has a legitimate course in VFX. So i planned to make my own customize VFX + 3D course.

After hours of goggling and searching forums i haven’t found any thing concrete.

Can someone please tell me what are all softwares one should consider learning to become a good VFX + 3D artist. Considering that one has to start from the scratch.

Thanks for reading.
Any help will highly appreciated.


Try to find a good articles

do you know where can I find good articles about "why nowadays motion graphics & visual effects become something that needed in advertisement"?
I googled it, but it’s hard to find articles that related to my topic..

thx u…cheers

Anyone wanna help me to answer this Qs?

Hi there.

My name is Firman Prasetia,*I am a Mutimedia student in Limkokwing University Malaysia.
I have an assignment for my Research Methodology subject. My topic is "Motion Graphics and Visual Effects stand on The First Row recently in Advertisement".

I have some question that I hope u will feel free to answer it.

What do you think about the visual effects in advertisement (commercials), is it necessary to add visual effects nowadays in commercials? why?

Is the motion graphics / visual effects in commercial could deliver the message better to the audience?

When agency develop the idea, and want to put visual effects into it, do they discuss with the post production house about what kind of visual effects, or each agency have their own visual effects department?

How about the process of idea development, from the raw idea that agency get (from the client) into become the final idea?

Do you know what kind of famous softwares that industry use to develop visual effects for TVC?

could you explain a bit of the process until become the final outcome?

Lastly, I need to say thank you.