So how would I go about doing this? I don’t know if anyone here is familiar with what I’m asking, but say I have something that I have designed as a PDF, and I want to mail this out but not as a PDF but as an HTML e-mail. How does this work and how can I get it done? Is there something that automates this or do I have to do this another way?
best cloth ?
Posted in: Beginners TalkI would like to ask you what is the 3D package with the best cloth simulation avalible ? (that includes tearing and physical distortions as well)
I’m using c4d and I reall hate it’s cloth system. SO slow and inaccurate.
I would like to know more about timeslice and how to do the proper break down and preparation for such an effect.
For instance what is the maximum angle between two cameras to achive an acceptable flow.
I would also like to know about the postwork and what to consider and learn from others experience.
In specefic I want to know how they did the shot I’ve put at the bottom of this post.
I believe it is a mix of motion control and timeslice.
But how did they get the timeslice so fluently. Why did they roto out every character in the shot,
and not only the characters covering the moving character (the guy shot with motion control)?
Is it because they want to use the background plate from the motion control?
Is the time slice helped by smart frame blending technology like twixtor?
Finally I would like to be pointed in direction for gathering resources to prepare myself for the final vfx breakdown.
Thank you.
math for compositors
Posted in: Beginners TalkI have good experience as a motion graphics artist and I’ve taken it upon myself to work on my compositing skills. I’ve come to realize that to truly be an effective artist, knowledge of Math is essential. Math has never been my best friend, more like a bully. But I’m ready to face my fear of math so I can become the compositor I want to be.
Can Anyone suggest what math skills are essential to the Compositor, and what I should concentrate on the most. My hopes are to get a better understanding of whats going on under the hood mathematically in visual processing. What math skills will help me understand scripts, behaviors, functions and image manipulation. Any input would be appreciated. I’ve been a AE artist for years and am starting with Nuke.
What to put in showreel?
Posted in: Beginners TalkI believe that Im not going to impress anyone with explosions, or bullets stuff, so I was wondering about focusing on multiple layer and more complex composition, or they care more about easy composition and watch how clear it is? And what about roto? Does reel with for example surfer on water is valuable then running dog? Or it doesnt matter at all?
And last thing. I liked the walking paper giants in The Mill showreel for example, so If I lend this idea and put similar dudes in different city footage ofcourse, is this a problem? Will they look at it and say "bah its stolen from The Mill, thats bad" ?
Sorry for big amount of question, I dont expect answer on everything point by point tho. Just a little push in right direction, because Im really confused about this. And ye, I tried to search about this, and I found lot of great and helpfull posts, but nothing really specific. I know from this site that I should put in best shots, keep it short, etc.
Thanks ,)
Paintfix within Maya?
Posted in: Beginners Talkex: I have a shot where I view a plane (you know, the thing that flies) in two different angles, and paintfixing with photoshop + maya doesn’t seem to be working. and I thought what if I some how manipulated a projection onto a polyplane and mess with the alphas with like the paintbrushes within maya. Is that even possible?
I’m trying to learn about all the green screen keyers in Nuke. Therefore, I wonder if you could tell me all the ways you can key off a green screen in Nuke, and what each way is good for. I would be very greatful if you will help me develop as compositor, and that although this thread may be useful for others!