TIFF deflate question
Posted in: Apple ShakeFORMAT = read time per frame
TIFF RLE = 1.3 – 1.4 sec
54.4 MB
TIFF 16 LZW = 1.5 – 1.7 sec
16.6 MB
TIFF 16 deflate = 0.77 – 0.88 sec
15.3 MB
DPX Bottom to Up = 0.97 – 1.01 sec
36 MB
DPX Top to Bottom = 2.7 – 2.8 sec
36 MB
EXR piz = 1.7 – 1.73 sec
23 MB
IFF = 1.04 – 1.11 sec
48 MB
What pros and cons are there with the TIFF deflate? I couldn’t open the file in Combustion but it opened fine in djv view. I read at Wikipedia that it is some kind of LZ78, huffman, zip-like compression.
If you feel like skipping it, please skip to the hi-lighted parts as those are the main questions of the thread.
I had initially posted this on my 3D in Shake, King Kong, LOTR and other considerations. thread. But as that thread was mainly about if they had used Shakes 3D in LOTR and Kong and Taffy has pretty much cleared that up, I feel that thread is done and I thought I would break it out into a new thread as its changed the course of discussion somewhat.
So, Ive spent the last week trying to educate myself in 3D compositing, what it actually encompasses and how different applications approach it and the tools offered in them. I have been watching and reading online tutorials, demos and reading a lot about the subject (my head hurts :twisted:) Firstly I would like to say I didnt find much about Shake in this 3D regard. But I watched dozens of After Effects 3D compositing tutorials and also some Fusion and and many Nuke’s. The Foundry has some very interest 3D demo/tutorial on their website too.
Even not finding much on Shakes 3D capabilities I could see Shake seems to indeed be quite limited in this regard and even After Effects seems to offer much more 3D capabilities. For example, I may be wrong and if so please correct me but:
–AE offers a 3D light and shadows but Shake doesnt.
–AE offers 3D planes in form or grids which you can use to build very basic forms like walls, floors etc and Shake doesnt.
–Because of the above, camera projection/camera mapping is possible in AE but not in Shake.
–This is a question rather than a comparison now, but can a warp be applied to Shakes background layer in the multiplane node to make the backdrop curved for 3D spinning around or at least wide pans? I dont know if AE can either. Since you cant make a sphere like with Nuke or 3D apps if you could at least warp or somehow curve the background plane of the multiplane node it would work almost the same as long as you don’t have to look up.
–Since we are at Shake questions, does Shake offer a HSL key? And is there a bypass node function?
Having the above in Shake would really be great.
But looking at Nukes 3D capabilities for example, although it has all of the above and more and they all are great features, I feel Nukes 3D starts to dive too much into what a 3D application is and starts to try to be a 3D application too rather than just a compositor. Being able to import obj is a great feature and I wish Shake could do it but being able to actually create 3D objects inside Nuke is a bit much. This is why we have 3D applications for. Im not sure you can only create primitives or if you can also convert them into polygons or even create polygons but I feel this is not what a compositor is for. Its a bit like trying to be a bag of tricks with everything. The weird thing is that I have heard that criticism from high end visual effects artists towards After Effects many times. Shake is not a program that tries to do it all. It is a compositor and it does it well instead of trying to be a hybrid application etc. But it seems thats the direction Nuke is going. maybe it was a wrong initial impression but I think Nuke is really going beyond of what a compositor is supposed to be or do, or maybe the industry is changing. But specially in big houses where artists seldom do many tasks, you will have 3D animators and 3D artists to do the 3D work. All you really need in a compositor is to be able to import the 3D and comp it. Being a do all application could make sense for smaller outfits but based on Nukes price point this is not really their market.
So based on what I have seen it seems to me most of Shakes 3D limitations if not all of them could be made up for with the addition of a 3D application to the tool set. This would also give you more power than Nukes 3D if you really want to start crossing into 3D.
You could set up all your 3D stuff in a 3D application and then just export to Shake. Set up your scene in 3D then track and composite the shot in Shake. In what ways or types of shots would this workflow/package combo still be limited in comparison to what you can do in Nuke for example?
It seems to me, at least based on what I have seen so far, that in a compositor you dont really need a 3D environment to compose 3D. It may help and make things easier but doesnt seem to be a basic need.
I know, maybe youre thinking well, if you buy Shake + 3DS Max or Maya you are at Nukes price or higher. Yes, but you would have much more 3D power if you really want to start messing with 3D or you can go with an application like Cinema 4D which costs much less than Maya or 3DS Max, which is what Im thinking of doing. The basic C4D is under $1000 so this may be an interesting package combo for small outfits and freelancers till they can justify a Nuke license. Shake+C4D for under $1,500 instead of Nuke for $4,500.
Thanks to Beaker for pointing me to C4D by the way.
I do know that having it inside your compositor must save a lot of time etc. But I can’t afford Nuke.
Also, keep in mind that I know Nuke is great, but since I cant afford it or justify it right now I have to find a way to do without it and Shake is still a great compositor and now for an affordable price. So I just have to find a way to complement Shake where it lacks and where I need it, which is 3D.
So this is not a Shake vs. Nuke thread and please lets not turn it into one.
Its rather a how to get a Shake based compositing package to do what I need, which just happens to be what Nuke can do.:D
By the way, I saw some Nuke stuff using the old version and the interface was really ugly, unrefined and very basic looking and now the new version looks very streamlined and a lot like Shakes interface actually. Its obviously Shake inspired but Im glad the Foundry improved it.
Thanks in advance for any inputs. This compositing education journey has been a very interesting one and professional input from you guys have made it that much more useful.
i have a TIF sequence which i am trying to "ping pong" so that when it gets to the end, it will begin to mirror itself backwards again. Under the "Timing" tab for the fileIn node, I am using the timeshift to offset the sequence, but when i try to get the sequence to mirror, it doesn’t work – in fact, none of the options seem to work (mirror, freeze etc…). Is this a function of shake that simply doesn’t function properly or am i missing something?
thanks for any help,
A very weak shake rumour.
Posted in: Apple ShakeZ.
Organizing Macro Tabs
Posted in: Apple ShakeI fairly new to Shake 4.1, having bought it recently. While having some background as DFX+ user, I´m finding Shake far easier to understand the why and how of the comp processes, not meaning to put down DFX+, but the way Shake gives you control i find it more "natural", at least for me, something i´m really enjoying.
I know Shake interface is highly customizable, but before breaking something, i´d prefer to ask.
I´m installing all the macros i can find that i guess might become useful (mainly from FXShare), but i see that sometimes they create their own tab, even when it might only be one macro, something that´s beginning to add more clutter that i´d like to have. I would like to move those lonely macros to the Other tab, but i´m not sure how to proceed. I´ve fully read the 3 manuals but i must confess i´ve overlooked a bit the interface and macro creation parts, thinking these would be more convenient at a later stage.
So it might actually be covered in the books, and then i would appreciate some help as to how to proceed (or where to look up), in case this is doable.
many thanks
On a second note, I tried finding some tutorials for 3D compositing in Shake but I could not find any. All the training DVDs out there don’t have any solid chapters in 3D compositing for Shake 4. Gnomon doesn’t, Lynda doesn’t, the only one which has a title on it is CMiFX called “3D compositing in Shake.” But I’m a little hesitating in buying it because most people seem to give very poor reviews for CMiFX DVDs. Hs anybody here watched this DVD and can comment?
Shake Text node
Posted in: Apple ShakeAny help would be great!!
New Plugin Bundle for Shake
Posted in: Apple Shake-we have merged the EVO Collection tools into our 4 other plugin Collections,
-we are now selling all Four Collections as one Bundle with new pricing,
-FREE Evaluation and Educational versions of our plugin Bundle are now available for Shake,
-we created new easy-to-use installers for Linux and OS X,
-we have redesigned our site and created a new webstore which now supports Paypal and Google Checkout.
You may view the Press Release HERE
Please visit our site for more details: www.PHYX.biz
Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions at: feedback (at) phyx.biz