I just tried to do a luma key which works like the depth slice keyer but I’m too tired too think. Instead I just did some reordering and use the depth slice key to get the result. So here’s the thing I want to know how to recreate (without the depth slice node):
SetAlpha1 = SetAlpha(0, 1);
ColorSpace2 = ColorSpace(SetAlpha1, "rgb", "yuv", 0.3, 0.59,
Reorder2 = Reorder(ColorSpace2, "nnnnr");
Copy2 = Copy(Reorder2, SetAlpha1, 1, "rgba", 0);
DepthSlice1 = DepthSlice(Copy2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
// User Interface settings
"nodeView.ColorSpace2.t", "0",
"nodeView.ColorSpace2.x", "1011.45532",
"nodeView.ColorSpace2.y", "372.1047",
"nodeView.Copy2.t", "0",
"nodeView.Copy2.x", "969.5603",
"nodeView.Copy2.y", "195.832474",
"nodeView.DepthSlice1.t", "0",
"nodeView.DepthSlice1.x", "954.340332",
"nodeView.DepthSlice1.y", "106.6597",
"nodeView.Reorder2.t", "0",
"nodeView.Reorder2.x", "1045.136",
"nodeView.Reorder2.y", "299.764374",
"nodeView.SetAlpha1.t", "0",
"nodeView.SetAlpha1.x", "874",
"nodeView.SetAlpha1.y", "481"
I don’t need this kind of key at the moment, I just want to know how it works 
Connect a Ramp or some footage to the SetAlpha node