Window node default parameter, can’t get it to work…

In the nreal.h file I once changed the behaviour of the Window node:

image Window(image, int left = (width-xRes)/2, int bottom = (height-yRes)/2, int right = width, int top = height);

So that it is scripted to work towards the center of the image.
However, I did so much changes in my nreal.h file that shake got messy, since then I now use original nreal.h and nrui.h files but with a lot of .h files in my /$HOME/nreal folder.

But I cannot get this thing to work. I’ve tried to put this in the startup folder:

extern "C" {
image Window(image, int left = (width-xRes)/2, int bottom = (height-yRes)/2, int right = width, int top = height);

Please help.

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