Impactist – Last Heist EP is a new album from the Portland duo. They created four uniquely genuine short animations for each of the tracks, that fit the musical aesthetic perfectly.
Upgraded from a quickie, we felt that everyone should see how self-initiated projects like this can extend your portfolio and flex your creative muscles without the restraint of a client or online contests rules and boundaries.
Spheremetrical (Here With You)
The Magical Number Seven
Micrhomage (Community)
Looking For You
We asked Impactist to contribute a little bit about their thought process…
Like everyone, our brains are always running. We haven’t found the off switch. So, in between other projects and life itself, we’re developing and making projects that we want to make. This is just what we enjoy doing and feel compelled to do. We don’t need a prompt like spec projects or contests for us to create. We’re just not into those exercises. Painters paint, photographers expose, and musicians compose. We personally enjoy all those mediums and more and are well aware that we are extremely fortunate to live in a time where technology permits it and the actual social community condones it. These are really special times.
Last Heist is one such collection of those ideas we’ve acted on. A small, simple album of tunes we enjoyed making and promos that were made in response to the tracks themselves. We think small is good. Get in and get out, try not to waste time, and hopefully make something that is at minimum engaging for ourselves, and at best also relatable or of interest to an anonymous audience that brings their own tastes and opinions to the projects.
These are just fun projects that are initiated without any sort of pressing agenda. The album title comes from the the idea that characters in film and television often cite their “last heist”, but it most often never actually is their last. Much like this isn’t a last anything for us either.
We’re not tied to any one technique and we work in many spaces. The music is a combination of real and synthetic instruments and field recordings. The visuals include live action and still photography, film and video, paper sculpture, wooden models, practical fire and smoke effects, and other optical and graphic techniques developed specifically for the set.
Posted on Motionographer