RealflowMeltShaderMR & DeeX Diffuse Pass

Hey guys,

Need serious help, and I kind of posted this in the Maya section too but I don’t really know which category to post this under. DeeX and Realflow and two different and pretty uncommon to a certain degree so I have no idea which will get the proper readers I am hoping for.

Anyway I am using the realflow shader called realflowmeltshaderMR that basically combines three shaders together and assigns them based on the liquid assignments.

I am trying to render using the DeeX workflow involving the DiffuseLevel, DiffuseRaw, Indirect AO, Spec and reflection. Unfortunately, it isn’t working. I think the shaders are stacking ontop of each other and adding prior to writing to buffer. Causing this weird look. Is there a way to feed out the result into another deex shader but still maintain the realflowmeltshader assignment? I was thinking of feeding it into the DeeX_buffer_writer but am not getting the desired results. HELP Please =(


Thanks guys, I am really desperate for an answer.

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