Why use Anti – Aliasing? (AA)

I have very little experience in compositing but I have enough in 3D so, as I recently discovered matrixes (which can be used to create and modify anti-aliasing) I have a question – what is the point of rendering 3D scenes with AA data when you can create similar effects more easily and quicker in post?

Anti-aliasing is by far my biggest opponent when rendering. It’s expensive and the results look great but I can only go heavy on it when I have time and since I’m only one person with no render farm I don’t get many opportunities.

As I said, I don’t know enough about compositing to under how/why/when matrixes work but it was just a thought that I had. Why AA any pass at all, beauty, spec., refl. (let alone a pass that you should NOT AA like world position, a normals pass, or a matID pass) if you can just apply AA with a matrix node in Nuke later?

If someone could give me an idea of the technical limitations of a matrix node in Nuke then that’d probably answer my question sufficiently. Any information at all is greatly appreciated!

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