NukeX 3D tracker

I’d like to share a story of joy and happiness with everyone.
My boss just asked me to do a stabilization on 5000+ frames (Times 8 shots) of 2k stereoscopic footage.
to which I responded %@&!.
After gathering up my courage, I managed to do some 2D tracker work that … well frankly I wasn’t happy with. So I said %@&!. Then I decided that I was going to 3D track it in Nuke. So I do the track. I solve the camera. Nuke crashes. I forgot to save: %@&!. I track and solve again. I save. (In versions), I add a card and project my footages from the L&R cameras (Cam1) respectivly onto the card that remains equidistant from the camera/projectors. I make another camera (Cam2) and take samples from Cam1L to make a smooth movement that approximates the original. I save again. It all works. Nuke crashes again. I open the save file. Nuke crashes immediate upon open. %@&!
So I am stuck with one option. get very lucky and hope that nuke doesn’t crash and I can complete my shots in one session. %@&!
Which is a shame. Because apart from the fact that it doesn’t work, the technique seems to hold merit.

Anyone else having similar issues with Nuke’s 3D tracker causing saves to crash upon opening in instances of excessive frame length? OR is it just my lack of RAM?

I’m not looking for a solution or anything.. But a shoulder to cry on might be nice (Sob, sob)

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