Nuke won’t render or view, inconsistently – exr channels to blame?

Heyo. Been learning Nuke recently as part of a school project, and have produced a rather enormous node-tree which, up till recently, worked just swell. But, after adding a few new elements, and some other frames, Nuke’s started to act up strangely. I’m using a whole bunch of .exr sequences with loads and loads of fun little channels tucked into them, and I’m using NukeX 6.1v1.

Being hardly adept at Nuke’s inner workings, I’ve little to no clue what might be doing it. I get an error message in that… little accompanying Nuke-cmd-ish-window, saying stuff like:

[ 1:02:03] Warning: ShuffleCopy4: get(channels=0x10), but request(channels=0x10)
[ 1:02:03] Warning: Read76: Interest(channels=0x0), but request(channels=0x0)

So I get the feeling Nuke’s upset over my .exr channels, but can’t figure out just why. Worked fine when I set it all up – I’ve switched the files the Read nodes originally read, having rendered out new ones – but it’s still the same channels, and still the same errors when I reimport the sequences with new Read nodes.

A more wordy error report now follows:

For one thing, Nuke won’t View some nodes in my nodetree. Sometimes, I can view the end result, no problem – more often, I have to restart Nuke to get it to at all View another frame. Often, it seems that the only nodes I can view are Read nodes, and if I follow those nodes down the tree, I can view my way down to the bottom result – but if I try to view the bottom result at first, it won’t preview it. I attach the node to a viewer, that white scanline-thingie appears, but nothing happens. Sometimes I can view a certain node successfully, but when I press play, it won’t show the next frame.

So it won’t View consistently; it’s much the same with rendering Write nodes. Sometimes, I can attach a Write node somewhere in the middle of the tree, and write out successfully; but attaching it to one of the nodes farther up in the flow – that is, one of the nodes that contributed to the earlier, successful node – that won’t render.

As a side note, curiously, Nuke seems to’ve decided that a few select channels in one of my .exr-sequences are to be black. At least in this node-tree – opening up a new Nuke and importing in the sequence there fresh, shows the channels in all their colourful glory. How this ties in to them error messages before, I can but imagine.

Aaanyway. So, I’m hoping some clever, well-read fellow will find this in the next few hours and solve all my problems; until then, I’ll simply redo my Nuke script, with frequent test-renders to notice if things go wrong.

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