integrating new 2d objects to final stereo shots

hey guys,

converting a complete 2d shot to 3d shot in nuke works very well for me, but i’m really a little bit confused about this:

i already got stereo footage (shot in stereo), but now i have to add in this stereo scene for example a airplane which should be integrated in the final stereo shot.

so i am setting up as usual my stereo views and now i got a read node for the left image sequence and one for the right image sequence.

would this the right approach?
– join the views
– project them on a card
– create a complete new zdepth
– displace them to add my new 3d object into it
– set up a new stereo rig to match both and reshoot it in nuke

i would like to avoid splitting my final stereo shot and shot again with a new stereo rig only to place my object in this scene.

how do you solve this? with stereo 3d tracking? or any better workarounds? :confused:

thank you guys

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