Colorspace in Nuke

Hey guys!!

I’m a little confused about the colorspaces in Nuke and hope u could help me out.

As far as I know, Nuke linearizes every image data from the Read nodes. When we read in a file, the colorspace setting on the Read node is telling Nuke what to convert FROM to get the image data into linear light space. Since the vast majority of monitors in use today are calibrated or have a preset for displaying images in sRGB space, we can choose sRGB (default) or Rec709 in the vLUT. This performs a conversion of the data in the viewer and not actually changes the image. It just puts a "filter" between us and the image data so you can view it correctly.

A lot of times a noticed that the colors on my output render doesn’t match what I had on Nuke’s viewer. For example, If I read in a Gamma 1.8 footage it looks more washed out on the viewer (in sRGB) than it looks but if I flipbook it (also in sRGB). The flipbook always shows more saturated colors. If I play this same footage with quicktime it looks washed out but if I play on whatever other playback option (even on the web browser or FCP) it looks more saturated. This gamma shift Is not a big deal if I don’t need to grade the final cos I can make all the images match (the ones in different colorspaces that need to be added to the comp), but it can be a little annoying otherwise.

How do you guys deal with this kind of situation? How do u keep the colors u see on the Nuke viewer consistent to the colors on the output render? Should I change the colorspace on the Write node to sRGB? But then wouldn’t it be inconsistent with the colorspace of another non-vfx clips in the editing app? Or it should be fine if all of the clips on time line have a final grade before finishing? What would be the best workflow?

Any help will be appreciated!!!!


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