Applying Grain with a Grain Plate

So I dislike using the ReGrain node because I can’t control the amount of grain in the highlights and dark areas of the plate. The high and low gain controls don’t work that well cuz you can’t tell them what is high and what is low.

So I made a grain plate using the DeNoise on one of the plates I’m working on. My problem is I’m unsure of how to apply the grain to the plate. I’ve taken a Luma key and applied the grain in the areas I want but I’ve tried pretty much all of the different operations in the the merge nodes and nothing works. The best was just using an "over" node and turning down the mix but then it still effects the blacks in the plate.

Anyone know how to apply grain from a grain plate onto another plate? (and no not sampling the grain plate with a ReGrain node :P)

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