Tracking very difficult shots, please help!

I’m using PFTrack to pull matchmoves on 20 different fx shots for an upcoming indie war movie. More than half of them tracked fine, some requiring tweaking and trickery (crunching the contrast, etc). The issue is that there’s a few shots that flat out WILL NOT TRACK. one of them is because of bad motion blur so all the features are unable to hold and thus the camera cannot solve. Another is a track sideways looking through the gaps between the trailer and the truck of a semi, but the actual focal point is only in shot for about 5 seconds and the trackers can’t get a lock.

These shots have no distortion grid and I have no information about the focal length or film back, etc. In addition, there’s no preset track points (I have to use whatever is in the scene).

This sounds pretty longwinded, but I was wondering if anyone on here had experience with the really REALLY tricky matchmoves and if they’d be willing to impart any wisdom upon me. I’d post the clips but unfortunately I’m not allowed.

What I’ve tried thus far:
– crunched the contrast of the shot to create more hard points
– garbage matted whatever was moving
– increased target features
– lowered tracking threshold
– estimated focal length and oriented scene

As I said, some shots will track but can’t solve. Some will just boot me out of the track altogether. The option is always there to tell the director that these shots simply cannot be tracked, but I need to be 100% sure that I’ve exhausted every option.


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